
广东技工教育发展:历程回顾与特征分析 被引量:3

Development of Technical Education in Guangdong:Process Review and Characteristic Analysis
摘要 广东作为我国改革开放的前沿和第一经济大省,其经济社会快速发展离不开职业教育的基础性作用,其中广东技工教育更是一枝独秀,被誉为全国技工教育的“一面旗帜”。梳理广东技工教育发展历程可以发现,其办学模式特征主要表现在:从实际出发加强管理体制机制改革引领技工院校服务国家、地方社会发展;做好发展规划,引导技工院校面向未来发展;立足当地实际发展需要与历史传承,鼓励开设特色专业及培训;以赛促教、以赛促学、以赛促进,全面提高办学质量;从“引进来”到“走出去”,瞄准国际一流标准办学;博采众长创新中国特色技工教育办学和教学模式,积极推动产教融合等六大方面。 As the forefront of Chinese reform and opening and the largest economic province,Guangdong’s rapid economic and social development is inseparable from the basic role of vocational education.Its technical education is even more outstanding and is known as the“banner”of national technical education system.By combing the development history of technical education in Guangdong,six characteristics of its school-running model can be found such as:starting from the actual situation to strengthen the management system and mechanism reform and leading technical colleges to serve the national and local social development;making development plans and guiding technical colleges to develop oriented toward the future;meeting the needs of local actual development and historical inheritance,to encourage the establishment of characteristic specialties and training;enhancing teaching,learning and developing with World Skills Competition to improve the quality of school running;aiming at international first-class standards from“bringing in”to“going out”;learning from others’strengths to innovate the school-running and teaching models of technical education with Chinese characteristics to actively promote the integration of production and education.
作者 黄竟成 伍秀芳 李海燕 Huang Jingcheng;Wu Xiufang;Li Haiyan(Guangdong Teaching and Research Office for Vocational and Technical Education,Guangzhou 510115;Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006)
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2020年第33期61-66,共6页 Vocational and Technical Education
基金 广东省港澳台合作创新平台项目(2014WGJHZ002) 广州教育政策研究课题“基于大湾区建设的粤港澳台职业教育合作与交流研究”(ZC Y J18001),主持人:李海燕。
关键词 广东 技工教育 发展模式 产教融合 世界技能大赛 Guangdong technical education development model integration of industry and education World Skills Competition
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