The application of relevant big data technology provides an efficient and solid technical foundation for epidemic prevention and control.In the process of major epidemic control and prevention,big data technology provides high efficiency for epidemic prevention and control,reduces the loss of human resources,and makes the epidemic prevention and control more accurate.It is prepared to locate the population related to the epidemic situation,which not only improves the accuracy of diagnosis,but also provides medical personnel Members provide more information and prevention possibilities,and more ensure the safety of medical personnel.Big data can identify the degree of personal safety,such as the use of health codes,and also provide accuracy for screening under epidemic control,and provide efficiency for the subsequent economic recovery.However,the use principle of big data technology is the mining and use of personal data,and the invasion of personal privacy is unavoidable.The meaning of personal privacy is like a chameleon,which changes with the change of environment.Especially in China,the legal construction of the right to privacy is obviously insufficient.The right to privacy is not protected as a separate right,and it is always attached to various other rights,which makes the personal privacy crisis under big data more and more prominent.This paper attempts to supplement the protection of personal privacy from the perspective of ethics,and puts forward the specific path of personal privacy ethics construction under big data technology from the dialectical standpoint of epidemic prevention and control,social security and personal privacy.
YI Shu-fan(School of Public Administration,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China)
Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University
epidemic prevention and control
big data technology
privacy crisis
privacy ethics