
基于虚拟装配技术的船舶制造现场可视化 被引量:5

On-site visualization of ship manufacturing based on virtual assembly technology
摘要 为了解决传统施工图纸不能准确地表达出船体分段的工艺信息,对施工人员的工作指导性不强等问题,本文引进虚拟装配技术,基于DELMIA仿真软件对船体分段的制造过程进行研究;并且采用HTML语言对现场可视化系统进行编制,将在DELMIA仿真软件内研究的虚拟装配技术成果嵌入到现场可视化系统中,使生产现场能够共享三维设计成果,使现场可视化系统能够更好地指导施工人员进行生产工作,从而提高船舶制造的生产效率。 In order to solve the problems such as traditional construction drawings cannot accurately express the process information of the hull block,the work guidance for construction staff is weak,and so on,this paper introduces the virtual assembly technology to study the manufacturing process of the hull block based on DELMIA simulation software.HTML language is adopted to compile the field visualization system.The virtual assembly technology achievements studied in the DELMIA simulation software are embedded into the field visualization system,so that the production site can share the 3D design results and the field visualization system can better guide the construction staff in carrying out the production work,and thereby,the production efficiency of ship manufacturing is improved.
作者 富威 郑志军 龚军军 徐芸洁 FU Wei;ZHENG Zhijun;GONG Junjun;XU Yunjie(College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001,China)
出处 《应用科技》 CAS 2020年第5期6-12,共7页 Applied Science and Technology
关键词 船体分段 工艺规划 人机工程 工艺信息 虚拟动画 DELMIA 虚拟装配 可视化 hull block process planning ergonomia process information virtual animation DELMIA virtual assembly visualization
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