As a liberal left in contemporary western political discourse genealogy,Norberto Bobbio is widely recognized as a symbolic figure of Italy intellectual circle in later half 20th Century.As an encyclopedic thinker,Bobbio learned widely from other scholars’strong points,achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject,combining political culture elements in continental Europe and UK creatively,bringing characteristics in Philosophy,Jurisprudence,Politics,History and Sociology in an organic way,adhering to the political realism tradition originating from Italian predecessor Machiavelli,reacting to the numerous monumental political events in 20th Century,and finally constructing his distinctive knowledge system be both normative and positive,besides,he condemned the social abuses as an engaged intellectual,even participating into and deliberating on politics himself,he is a model as the fusion of contemplative and practical thinker.Concerning Bobbio’s political thought,he defended all his life with thought and action democracy’s“rules of game”,elaborating the minimal definition of democracy,apologizing for liberal democracy stuck in middle by left and right wings,meanwhile,he proposed to optimize the qualities of modern democracy,extending democracy’s coverage,fulfilling the“unfulfilled promises”of democracy,contributing a great deal to the theory and practice of western democracy,on a par with such heavyweight democracy theorists such as Joseph Schumpeter,Giovanni Sartori and Robert Dahl.Another distinctive contribution made by Bobbio to political thought realm is that he endeavored to converge the seemingly contrary and conflicting Liberalism and Socialism in an outstanding way,therefore be dubbed as a synthesizer in the line of Italy“Liberal Socialist”thinkers initiated by Gobetti and Rosselli.
The World History Review