
从抗捐到参政:南京国民政府初期上海公共租界的华洋关系 被引量:4

From the Protest against Tax Increase to the Political Participation:The Relationship between Foreign and Chinese Residents of the International Settlement of Shanghai in the Early Stage of the Nanjing Nationalist Government
摘要 南京国民政府成立不久,上海公共租界华人团体发起声势空前的反对工部局加捐运动。南京政府起初未予回应,工部局董事会态度强硬,华人团体遂转而要求按照华洋居民捐税比例获得华人在董事会的多数席位,作为停止抗捐之条件。工部局拒绝更改既定的加入3华董决议,并在领事团的纵容下,采取非法措施强制征捐。南京外交当局支持华人的参政要求,但与工部局交涉无果。经华人绅商领袖虞洽卿调解和英国外交部推动,工部局最终调整姿态,和纳税华人会商定了华人参政的“暂行办法”。这一时期南京政府与西方列强之间渐趋和解的关系,是华洋双方保持相对克制,由对抗走向妥协的主要原因;双方最终让步的大小也在相当程度上取决于各自在外交层面获得的支持。华人参政开启了上海公共租界华洋关系的新阶段,也深刻影响了该租界与南京国民政府的关系。 Soon after the Nanjing Nationalist government was established in 1927,the Chinese associations in the International Settlement of Shanghai launched a protest against the increase of municipal tax levied by the Municipal Council.The Nanjing government did not respond to the protest at first and the board of the Municipal Council had an unyielding attitude,so the Chinese associations turned to requesting more seats for Chinese members in the board of the Municipal Council as the condition to end the protest.However,the Municipal Council refused to accept this proposal and used illegal measures to enforce the levy of additional tax with the support of Consular Corps.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nanjing Government supported the Chinese to demand more political participation in the International Settlement but their negotiation with the Municipal Council was futile.With the mediation of Yu Qiaqing,the leader of the Chinese gentry-merchants in Shanghai and the pressure from the Foreign Office of Britain,the Municipal Council finally adjusted its attitude and reached an agreement with Chinese rates-payers to draft a tentative measure for the Chinese participation in the municipality.In this time period,the improving relationship between the Nanjing government and the West powers was the major reason for the success of the negotiation between the Chinese and foreign residents in this conflict.The compromises that both parties were willing to make also depended on the support they received from their respective governments in diplomacy.The Chinese political participation in the municipality ushered in a new stage in the Chinese-foreign relationship in the International Settlement of Shanghai,and also profoundly shaped the relationship between the International Settlement and the Nanjing government.
作者 魏兵兵 Wei Bingbing
出处 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期55-72,M0003,M0004,共20页 Modern Chinese History Studies
基金 2018年中国社会科学院近代史研究所创新工程研究类一般项目“上海公共租界华人参政运动与民国前期的中西关系”的阶段性成果。
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