随着通信技术的飞速发展,可见光通信(Visible Line Communication,VLC)凭借自己独特的优势越来越受到研究人员的重视。电力线通信(Power Line Communication,PLC)在智能电气领域日渐表现出发展优势。可见光通信光谱资源丰富,不受电磁干扰,而且LED灯成本低、无辐射,是一种绿色环保的通信方式。低压电力线分布广泛、不需布线、连接方便,同时又能提供较高速率和较大信道容量。然而,它们各自都存在不足之处,可见光通信技术虽然绿色环保,但通常采用白光LED,有电才有光,才能上网通信;电力线通信刚好可以当作光通信良好的信息源,但是PLC通信存在衰减、保密能力差等问题。PLC与VLC的融合不仅是通信技术的进步,而且关系到各行各业。在对电磁敏感的很多场合,融合网络都可以发挥其特有的功用。除此之外,融合系统还具有传输信息安全的特点。
With the fast-developing of communication technology,visible light communication(VLC)has been paid more and more attention by researchers because of its unique advantages.Power line communication(PLC)is showing its development advantages in the field of Intelligent electricity.The visible light communication spectrum resource is rich,is not electromagnetic interference,and the LED lamp has the advantages of low cost and no radiation,and is a green and environment-friendly communication mode.The power line is widely distributed,no need for wiring,easy to connect,and can provide higher speed and higher speed at the same time.Large channel capacity.However,each of them has its own disadvantage.Although the visible light communication technology is green and environmentally friendly,it usually uses white LED,only with electricity can glow and realize information transmission.Power line communication can be used as a good information source for optical communication,but PLC communication has some problems,such as attenuation,lucking of privacy and so on.The integration of PLC and VLC is not only the progress of communication technology,but also related to various industries.In many occasions of electromagnetic sensitivity,fusion network can play its unique role.In addition,the fusion system also has the characteristics of information security.
Cai Longfei(First Military Representative Office in Wuhan of Wuhan Bureau of CSSC,Wuhan 430060,China)
Wireless Internet Technology
power line communication channel
visible light communication channel
fusion channel