
抗法保台和开启台湾近代化建设的跨时代诗写--台湾有关“刘铭传”的古典诗作评析 被引量:2

Cross-Era Poetry Writing of Resisting French Invaders and Protecting Taiwan and Opening up the Construction of Taiwan Modernization:An Analysis on the Classical Poems about“Liu Mingchuan”in Taiwan
摘要 刘铭传在台事功是台湾诗坛的长久题材。乙未之前,主要着笔于他抗法保台的功绩,呈现了两岸“命运共同体”的事实。日据前期,缅怀刘铭传的诗作不绝如缕,如围绕其寒溪垂钓传说而雅集唱和,借以表达景仰之情。1911年梁启超访台并提出“追怀刘壮肃公”诗题,相关诗作除了表达历史感伤外,大量涉笔刘铭传在台开启、推进近代化建设的历史功绩,有助于澄清殖民当局的自我吹嘘。1922年新文化刊物《台湾》以《刘铭传》诗题征诗,明显是10年前栎社诗题的延续。此后“刘铭传”题材绵延不绝直至当代。相关诗作证明台湾的现代化建设起步于刘铭传等而非日本殖民者,这一结论至今仍具有重要的现实意义。 The achievements that Liu Mingchuan had made in Taiwan are a long-term theme in Taiwan's poetry.Before the Yi-Wei,a large number of poems mainly focused on the description of his feats in fighting against the French invaders and protecting Taiwan,which demonstrated the fact of the cross-Strait “ Community of Common Destiny”.In the early days of the Japanese occupation period,the recall of Liu Mingchuan's poems could be seen everywhere.For example,scholars gathered together to sing in harmony around the Hanxi fishing legend to express the feelings of admiration.In 1911,Liang Qichao visited Taiwan and proposed the poetic title of“Reminisce of Liu Zhuangsu”.In addition to some related poems that expressed historical sentiments,a great number of them were presented that spoke highly of liu Mingchuan's historical achievements in promoting the construction of modernization in Taiwan,which helped clarify the self boasting of colonial authorities.“Taiwan”,a new cultural journal in 1992,featured the poems with the theme of“Liu Mingchuan”,which was obviously a continuation of the title of Li association poetry 10 years ago.Since then,the theme of“Liu Mingchuan”has continued until now.In fact,these relevant poems have proved to us that the modernization of Taiwan started from Liu Mingchuan rather than Japanese colonization,and that is still of great practical significance to us now.
作者 朱双一 刘佳艺 Zhu Shuangyi;Liu Jiayi
出处 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期67-78,共12页 Taiwan Research Journal
基金 2016年度教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目“新形势下推进两岸历史文化认同融合研究”(16JJDGAT002)。
关键词 刘铭传 “追怀刘壮肃”诗题 台湾现代化起点 两岸命运共同体 Liu Mingchuan poetic theme of“Reminisce of Liu Zhuangsu” the starting point of Taiwan modernization the community of shared destiny between the two sides
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