
精神分裂症患者血清补体C1q、IgG与症状的相关研究 被引量:2

Correlation between serum complement C1q,IgG and symptoms in patients with schizophrenia
摘要 目的:旨在从人口学特征和家庭因素、免疫学和炎症指标等角度探讨精神分裂症患者不同症状维度的影响因素。方法:收集151例急性期精神分裂症住院患者人口学和临床资料,采用阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)对患者的精神症状进行评估,并检测其血糖、血脂及免疫学指标;分析与患者精神症状的相关性。结果:Pearson线性相关显示,精神分裂症患者的PANSS阳性症状评分与家庭完整性(r=0.195,P=0.017)、血清C1q水平(r=0.202,P=0.013)相关,阴性症状与发病年龄(r=-0.172,P=0.034)、α-1酸性糖蛋白(r=0.179,P=0.034)相关,一般精神病理症状与性别(r=-0.319,P<0.001)、血清IgM(r=-0.198,P=0.015)、IgG(r=-0.311,P<0.001)、C1q水平(r=-0.166,P=0.042)、转铁蛋白(r=-0.183,P=0.025)相关;多元线性回归分析显示,精神分裂症患者的阳性症状与血清C1q水平(β=0.026,P=0.024)和家庭完整性(β=-2.371,P=0.030)相关;阴性症状与病程(β=0.104,P=0.025)和性别(β=1.638,P=0.027)相关;而精神分裂症一般精神病理症状则与性别(β=3.329,P=0.006)和IgG水平(β=-0.705,P=0.010)相关。结论:家庭稳定性、性别、病程及血清C1q、IgG水平是影响精神分裂症患者精神症状的因素。 Objective:To explore the correlation between the demographic as well as clicial characteristics and symptoms in patients with schizophrenia.Method:151 eligible schizophrenic inpatients were continuously enrolled,demographic and clinical data were collected,and mental symptoms were evaluated using the positive and negative symptom scale(PANSS).Blood glucose,blood lipids,biochemical and immune test indexes were collected at the time of admission.Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of different symptom dimensions in schizophrenic patients.Results:Pearson linear correlation showed that the PANSS positive symptoms of schizophrenia patients were related to family integrity(r=0.195,P=0.017)and serum C1q level(r=0.202,P=0.013),negative symptoms were related to age of onset(r=-0.172,P=0.034)andα-1 acid glycoprotein(r=0.179,P=0.034),while general psychopathological symptoms were related to gender(r=-0.319,P<0.001),serum IgM(r=-0.198,P=0.015),IgG(r=-0.311,P<0.001),C1q level(r=-0.166,P=0.042)and transferrin(r=-0.183,P=0.025).Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the positive symptoms of schizophrenia were significantly related to C1q(β=0.026,P=0.024)and family integrity(β=-2.371,P=0.030);the negative symptoms of schizophrenia were significantly related to duration of the disease(β=0.104,P=0.025)and gender(β=1.638,P=0.027);pathological symptoms were significantly related to gender(β=3.329,P=0.006)and IgG levels(β=-0.705,P=0.010).Conclusion:Family stability,gender,course of disease and serum C1q and IgG levels are the factors that affect the symptoms of schizophrenic patients.
作者 尚晓芳 倪苏琳 王筱兰 SHANG Xiao-fang;NI Su-lin;WANG Xiao-lan(Department of Psychiatry,Nanjing Brain Hospital,Nanjing 210029,China)
出处 《临床精神医学杂志》 2020年第6期424-426,共3页 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
关键词 精神分裂症 精神症状 人口学资料 临床资料 schizophrenia mental symptoms demographic data clinical data
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