
沙漠红枣栽培关键技术研究 被引量:6

Study on key techniques of desert jujube cultivation
摘要 【目的】我国沙漠广袤,阳光充足,昼夜温差大,气候干燥,沙粒漏肥漏水严重。在沙漠栽植经济林木,成活率低,生长缓慢,经济、生态效益低下。枣树耐干旱,喜光照,研究沙漠枣树栽培技术,使沙漠建设枣园成为可能,提高沙漠红枣产量及质量,以期获得更高的经济效益。【方法】本文以陕西榆林毛乌素沙漠和新疆喀什塔克拉玛干沙漠为实验基地,采用观察法和对比试验法研究了沙漠枣的物候期、适宜品种、适宜树形、施肥灌溉、配方换土、生态作用、设施栽培、水肥一体化等内容。【结果】在沙漠种植枣树的栽植穴换土,以体积比为优质土∶农家肥=7∶3的比例搅拌制得,每栽植穴更换配方土0.08 m^3。采用行距3.0 m、株距1.0 m栽植,密度适宜,且便于机械化作业。每年施基肥农家肥1次,施肥量30 m^3/hm^2,追施化肥2次,每次磷酸二铵300 kg/hm^2、尿素120 kg/hm^2,混合开沟施入或水肥一体化施入,用尿素0.4%、磷酸二氢钾0.3%、硫酸锌0.3%、硼砂0.5%、硫酸亚铁0.3%配制成混合液喷洒叶面2次,每年分别于4月初、5月中旬、6月下旬、8月初、12月初滴灌5次。栽培品种鲜食枣以秦宝冬枣、冬枣2号、早脆王、伏蜜脆为好,制干枣以骏枣、灰枣为好,鲜食枣的经济效益高于制干枣。树冠以纺锤形、开心形、小冠疏层形等小冠形为好。沙漠红枣采用水肥一体化和塑料大棚设施栽培,比露地栽培能提高产量3.2倍,提高经济效益6.5倍。【结论】本研究依据沙漠气候特点和枣树生长发育特性,攻克了沙漠红枣栽培土肥水三大技术难关,达到了沙漠红枣高产、优质、高效和防风固沙、保护生态的作用,实现了经济生态双赢利。 [Objective]The deserts of our country are vast and plentiful in sunshine,large in temperature difference between day and night,and dry in climate.Since sand has the characteristics of leaking fertilizer and water,planting economic forest trees in the desert has a low survival rate,slow growth,and low economic and ecological benefits.Jujube is a drought-resistant and light-loving economic fruit tree species.Therefore,researching the cultivation technology of desert jujube trees and solving the soil-fertilizer-water problems in desert orchards will make it possible to build jujube orchards in the desert,and achieve high yield and quality to obtain high economic benefits.[Method]In our work,the Maowusu Desert in Yulin,Shaanxi Province and the Taklimakan Desert in Kashi,Xinjiang of northwestern China were used as experimental bases.Observation and comparative experiments were used to study the phenophase of desert jujube,formula soil replacement,fertilization and irrigation,suitable varieties,facility cultivation,suitable tree shape,water and fertilizer integration,and ecological effects.[Result]When planting jujube trees in the desert,the soil in the planting holes need to be replaced with formula soil.The formula soil was prepared by mixing high-quality soil and farm manure at a volume ratio of 7∶3,and the soil in each planting hole was replaced with 0.08 m^3 formula soil.When row spacing of 3.0 m and plant spacing of 1.0 m were used for planting,the density of jujube trees was suitable and convenient for mechanized operation.Basic fertilizer(farmyard manure)was applied once a year,the fertilizer amount was 30 m^3/ha,and the additional fertilizer(300 kg/ha each time of diammonium phosphate,120 kg/ha each time of urea)was applied twice,which was applied through mixed ditching or integration of water and fertilizer.Foliar spraying fertilizer(mixture of fertilizers:0.4%urea,0.3%potassium dihydrogen phosphate,0.3%zinc sulfate,0.5%borax,0.3%ferrous sulfate)twice a year,and drip irrigation 5 times a year.Among the cultivated varieties of fresh jujube,Qinbaodongzao,Dongzao No.2,Zaocuiwang and Fumicui were better.For dried jujube,Junzao and Huizao were better.The economic benefits of fresh jujube were higher than that of dried jujube.The crown of jujube trees was preferably a small crown,such as spindle-shaped,heart-shape,and a small crown sparse layer-shaped.If water and fertilizer integration and plastic greenhouse facilities could be used for the cultivation of desert jujube,the yield and economic benefit will be increased by 3.2 times and 6.5 times compared with open field cultivation.[Conclusion]Based on the desert climatic conditions and the growth and development characteristics of jujube trees,this study overcomed the three technical difficulties of soil,fertilizer and water in the cultivation of jujube in the desert,and achieved high yield,high quality and high efficiency of desert jujube.Furthermore,desert jujube can also play the role of wind-preventing and sandfixing,protect the ecology,and achieve economic and ecological double profit.
作者 张有林 陈文红 刘统民 张润光 吕学艺 王长成 张彦昶 邹亚平 Zhang Youlin;Chen Wenhong;Liu Tongmin;Zhang Runguang;LüXueyi;Wang Changcheng;Zhang Yanchang;Zou Yaping(College of Food Engineering and Nutritional Sciences,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710119,Shaanxi,China;Forest and Grass Workstation,Dingbian 718699,Shaanxi,China)
出处 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期72-81,共10页 Journal of Beijing Forestry University
基金 中央财政林业科技推广示范项目(SLTG[2017]15) 2018年榆林市科技计划项目。
关键词 沙漠 红枣 栽培 desert jujube cultivation
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