

Comparative Analysis of Cross-cultural Adaptation of Students from First-Tier and Non-First-Tier Cities Studying in the United States
摘要 2019年8-12月,笔者利用在AUIA(American Universities in Asia)国际暑期学校做助教以及在加州大学圣克鲁兹分校做交换生的机会,用问卷星对部分在美国的中国留学生进行了留美期间跨文化适应情况的问卷调查,将被调查对象分为一线城市学生及非一线城市学生两类,从地区差异的角度了解在不同社会环境中成长的留美学生在留学期间跨文化适应的群体特征,为教育研究部门、留学生及其家长提供参考。结果表明,来自我国一线城市和非一线城市的留美学生在学习、生活、人际交往等方面的跨文化适应上既有共性也有差异,各有优势与不足。本文针对两类学生的共性和差异性问题分别提出了改进建议。 From August to December 2019,the author,as a teaching assistant of AUIA(American University in Asia)International Summer School and an exchange student of University of California,Santa Cruz,conducted a questionnaire survey on the cross-cultural adaption of some Chinese students studying in the United States with Questionnaire Star online.The subjects are divided into two categories:students from first-tier cities and non-first-tier cities.From the perspective of regional differences,the study explores the group features of these students raised in different social environments,and aims to offer a reference for education research departments,international students and their parents.The conclusion is that the students who are from the first-tier and non-first-tier cities studying in the United States have demonstrated both similarities and differences in terms of cross-cultural adaptation in stud,life and interpersonal communication,and each has advantages and disadvantages.This paper puts forward some suggestions for improvement about the common and different problems of the two categories of students.
作者 魏同 WEI Tong(College of Foreign Languages and Literature,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2020年第49期7-10,共4页 Education And Teaching Forum
关键词 一线城市 非一线城市 留美学生 跨文化适应 比较 first-tier cities non-first-tier cities students studying in the United States cross-cultural adaptation comparison
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