
高品质草鱼调理制品工艺优化及保鲜技术 被引量:3

Processing Optimization and Preservation of High-Quality Preserved Grass Carp Products
摘要 为获得高品质草鱼调理制品的加工工艺,以凝胶强度为主要响应指标,结合持水力、白度值和感官得分,在研究谷氨酰胺转氨酶(glutamine transaminase,TG)、大豆分离蛋白(soy protein isolate,SPI)、NaCl、擂溃时间以及鱼肉与鱼糜添加比例5个单一因素对草鱼鱼糜凝胶特性影响的基础上,采用响应面分析法优化各因素条件,并进一步通过芡实壳提取物处理以抑制冷藏过程中调理制品的品质劣变。结果表明:TG添加量、SPI添加量、NaCl添加量和擂溃时间对草鱼凝胶强度影响显著(P<0.05),NaCl添加量与TG添加量、擂溃时间与TG添加量以及擂溃时间与NaCl添加量之间均存在显著交互作用(P<0.05);验证实验结果与所获模型预测值的误差在5%以内,获得优化后的最佳工艺参数为SPI添加量3.20%、TG添加量3.83%、NaCl添加量3.62%、擂溃时间27 min、鱼糜与鱼肉比4∶1。芡实壳提取物质量浓度为5 mg/mL处理后可以抑制冷藏过程中草鱼调理制品品质的劣变,起到延长产品货架期的作用。通过研究获得了鱼肉质感明显、凝胶强度好且冷藏货架期长的草鱼调理制品,为草鱼调理制品市场化开发提供理论支撑。 This study aimed to develop a process for producing high-quality prepared grass carp products.The effects of glutamine transaminase(TG),soy protein isolate(SPI)and NaCl concentration,blending time,and fish meat to surimi ratio on the gel strength,water-holding capacity,whiteness and sensory score of grass carp surimi were investigated using onefactor-at-a-time method,and further all these parameters except fish meat to surimi ratio were optimized using response surface methodology based on gel strength.Furthermore,we evaluated the efficacy of the ethanolic extract of Euryale ferox salisb seed shells in inhibiting the quality deterioration of the prepared fish product during refrigerated storage.The results showed that TG,SPI and NaCl concentration and blending time had significant effects on the gel strength of grass carp surimi(P<0.05).There was a significant interaction among NaCl and TG concentration,and blending time(P<0.05).The error between the experimental and the model-predicted values was within 5%,and the optimized process parameters were as follows:SPI 3.20%,TG 3.83%,NaCl 3.62%,blending time 27 min,and ratio of surimi to fish 4:1.The extract of Euryale ferox salisb seed shell when used at a concentration of 5 mg/mL could inhibit the quality deterioration of the prepared fish product during cold storage and prolonged the shelf-life.The prepared fish product in this study had good texture and gel strength and long shelf life under refrigerated conditions.This study provides theoretical support for the development of prepared grass carp products.
作者 张语杰 郭星月 窦高乐 艾有伟 王丽梅 王宏勋 侯温甫 ZHANG Yujie;GUO Xingyue;DOU Gaole;AI Youwei;WANG Limei;WANG Hongxun;HOU Wenfu(College of Food Science and Engineering,Wuhan Polytechnic University,Wuhan 430023,China;Fresh Food Engineering and Technology Research Center of Hubei Province,Wuhan 430023,China;College of Biological and Pharmaceutical Engineering,Wuhan Polytechnic University,Wuhan 430023,China)
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第24期223-232,共10页 Food Science
基金 “十三五”国家重点研发计划重点专项(2016YFD0401202)。
关键词 草鱼 调理制品 凝胶强度 芡实壳提取物 品质 grass carp prepared fish products gel strength Euryale ferox salisb seed shell extract quality
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