In this paper,we consider the existence of nontrivial weak solutions to a double critical problem involving a fractional Laplacian with a Hardy term:(−Δ)s u−γu|x|2s=|u|2∗s(β)−2 u|x|β+[Iμ∗Fα(⋅,u)](x)fα(x,u),u∈H˙s(R n),(0.1)(1)where s∈(0,1),0≤α,β<2s<n,μ∈(0,n),γ<γH,Iμ(x)=|x|−μ,Fα(x,u)=|u(x)|2#μ(α)|x|δμ(α),fα(x,u)=|u(x)|2#μ(α)−2 u(x)|x|δμ(α),2#μ(α)=(1−μ2n)⋅2∗s(α),δμ(α)=(1−μ2n)α,2∗s(α)=2(n−α)n−2s andγH=4 sΓ2(n+2s4)Γ2(n−2s4).We show that problem(0.1)admits at least a weak solution under some conditions.To prove the main result,we develop some useful tools based on a weighted Morrey space.To be precise,we discover the embeddings H˙s(R n)↪L 2∗s(α)(R n,|y|−α)↪L p,n−2s2 p+pr(R n,|y|−pr),(0.2)(2)where s∈(0,1),0<α<2s<n,p∈[1,2∗s(α))and r=α2∗s(α).We also establish an improved Sobolev inequality,(∫R n|u(y)|2∗s(α)|y|αdy)12∗s(α)≤C||u||θH˙s(R n)||u||1−θL p,n−2s2 p+pr(R n,|y|−pr),∀u∈H˙s(R n),(0.3)(3)where s∈(0,1),0<α<2s<n,p∈[1,2∗s(α)),r=α2∗s(α),0<max{22∗s(α),2∗s−12∗s(α)}<θ<1,2∗s=2nn−2s and C=C(n,s,α)>0 is a constant.Inequality(0.3)is a more general form of Theorem 1 in Palatucci,Pisante[1].By using the mountain pass lemma along with(0.2)and(0.3),we obtain a nontrivial weak solution to problem(0.1)in a direct way.It is worth pointing out that(0.2)and 0.3)could be applied to simplify the proof of the existence results in[2]and[3].
Gongbao LI
李工宝;杨涛(Hubei Key Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences and School of Mathematics and Statistics,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China)
Natural Science Foundation of China(11771166)
Hubei Key Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences and Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University#IRT17R46.