整理并总结了远紫外(Far-UVC)最新实验的消毒剂量,其对人体安全的实验剂量,以及现行的UV-C曝辐安全限值标准,对远紫外在消毒杀菌领域的应用提出了建议。当前以222 nm为代表的远紫外在实验中可以杀灭新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2),人猪流感(H1N1),冠状病毒alpha HCoV-229E和beta HCoV-OC43等病毒细菌。又有实验采用了达到现行安全剂量标准20倍的222 nm远紫外(有带通滤波器)在鼠类、人类皮肤和鼠类眼睛上进行了急性与慢性辐射,未发现损伤,相较而言253.7 nm紫外线就造成了伤害。以222 nm为代表的远紫外辐射能高效消杀,且在一个很大剂量范围内也不会对人体皮肤和眼睛造成伤害。希望给疫情中正在逐步实践的远紫外应用提供参考。
This paper collects and summarizes experiments,papers and standards about Far-UVC disinfection and human safety topics based on which a board of experts explains,analyzes and makes recommendations for the application.222 nm UVC as a representative of Far-UVC can kill SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19,human swine influenza(H1N1),two coronaviruses with dosage about 2 mJ/cm^2.222 nm UVC radiation tests were applied with dosage up to 500 mJ/cm^2 which is 20 times over current limit on human skin and mouse eyes with no damage found while 253.7 nm UVC radiation caused visible damage.Far-UVC is highly effective in disinfection without causing skin or eye injury to mouse or human.Hopefully it will help the Far-UVC application in progress.
Kevin Baxter
SHI Min;MO Jinping;Kevin Baxter(LumenLabs Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201114,China)
China Light & Lighting