
英语语音教室建设下的大学英语教学方法探索 被引量:1

Exploration of College English Teaching Methods under the Construction of English Phonetic Classroom
摘要 语音主要是以声音为载体,是交流经验、传达思想的重要途径之一,而语言则是文字和语音的组合,在语言学习过程中,语音扮演着十分重要的角色。基于此,目前各大高校纷纷加入英语语音室建设行列,目的在于全面提高英语教学质量,为英语教学提供便利条件,同时为社会培养出更多优秀、杰出的英语人才。本文主要对英语语音教室建议设下的大学英语教学方法进行探究。 Pronunciation is mainly based on sound, which is one of the important ways to exchange experience and convey ideas. Language is a combination of words and sounds. In the process of language learning, pronunciation plays a very important role. Based on this, colleges and universities have joined the ranks of English language lab construction, the purpose is to comprehensively improve the quality of English teaching, provide convenient conditions for English teaching, and cultivate more excellent and outstanding English talents for the society. This paper mainly explores the college English teaching methods proposed by the English pronunciation classroom.
作者 庞海榕 PANG Hairong(College of Comprehensive Foundation Studies,Liaoning University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110000)
出处 《科教导刊》 2020年第29期145-146,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 语音教室建设 大学英语 教学方法 construction of phonetic classroom college English teaching methods
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