
基于微信-微环境下的大学英语翻转课堂教学优化研究 被引量:2

Research on Flipped Class of College English Teaching Based on We-Chat Environment
摘要 以微信平台为载体,结合翻转课堂,对大学英语教学的新模式应用进行探索。研究结果显示,利用微信创造的微环境也可以建构适合大学英语课程教学的翻转课堂教学模式,并运用于实践教学,但也存在诸如视频多元化和趣味化的挑战等不足之处,需要不断优化完善。研究旨在对大学英语教学模式进行创新探索,为信息化时代英语创新教学和学生个性化学习探索一条合适路径。 Takes the We-Chat platform as the carrier and combines Flipped Class to explore the application of college English teaching.The results show that the studying environment created by We-Chat can also construct Flipped Class which is suitable for college English teaching as well as apply it to practical teaching,but there are also shortcomings such as the challenges of video diversification and interesting,which need to be optimized and improved.The purpose of this study is to explore the innovative mode of college English teaching and to explore a suitable path for innovative English teaching and individualized learning under the information age.
作者 肖荷 谢红雨 Xiao He;Xie Hongyu(School of foreign languages,Neijiang Normal University,Neijiang,641100,China;Evaluation Office,Neijiang Normal University,Neijiang,641100,China)
出处 《中国现代教育装备》 2020年第23期59-61,共3页 China Modern Educational Equipment
基金 内江师范学院校级课题(编号:JG201812-400)。
关键词 微信平台 翻转课堂 大学英语教学 微环境 We-Chat platform Flipped Class college English teaching micro-environment
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