
明代岭南心学的思想旨趣及特征 被引量:1

Tenets and Features of the Lingnan Philosophy of the Mind in the Ming Dynasty
摘要 儒家之心学,始于孟子,成于南宋,而尤盛于明代。明初儒学经历了由朱子学向心学的转移,其风肇始于陈白沙,至湛若水、王阳明出,分主教事,有所谓粤宗与浙宗的分际。阳明之后,分枝散叶,流派繁盛,天下心学皆归于王门,而粤宗则渐渐地淡出。时至今日,谈心学者也多半瞩目于阳明学而甚少他顾,对岭南心学的关注明显不够。实际上,由陈白沙开创的江门学派是明代心学的真正源头,岭南学术也得以在明中叶异峰突起、引领思潮,实现了从边缘走向中心的历史性转折。岭南心学独具特色,高扬学贵自得的旗帜,宗主崇尚自然的精神,以主静为修养之法,随时随地体证天理,以实现天人相合的终极目标。岭学宗旨,不迷信权威,不迷信书本,只遵从自我内心的道德法则,于伦常日用中磨炼心性、提斯精神,事无巨细,照实做去,平平常常,以成圣功。 The Confucian learning of the mind,dating back to Mencius,developed during the Southern Song and reached its zenith in the Ming dynasty.Scholars today who are interested in the philosophy of the mind mostly focus their attention on Wang Yangming’s philosophy to the neglect of other philosophers,particularly the Lingnan scholars.The fact is that the Jiangmen School,founded by Chen Xianzhang,was the authentic origin of the Neo-Confucian learning of the mind.The Lingnan scholarship saw its peak period during the mid-Ming when it set the intellectual trend and moved from the periphery to the center of the circle of learning.The Lingnan philosophy of the mind is distinguished for its focus on self-acquisition in learning and respect for the natural,that is,to cultivate one’s intellectual and moral self by quiet reflection,to experience the principle of Heaven in any place and at any time,and to seek the unity of Heaven and humanity.The Lingnan scholars never held a blind belief in anyone or any doctrine of authority,but followed the inner moral rules to cultivate their minds and nature in daily life,to be sincere in practical matters whether big or trifling,and to keep toiling away in pursuit of sagehood.
作者 景海峰 Wang Keyou Jing Haifeng(the School of Traditional Chinese Studies at Shenzhen University)
出处 《孔学堂》 2020年第4期61-71,J0055-J0064,共21页 Confucian Academy
基金 贵州省2017年度哲学社会科学规划国学单列课题“岭南心学文献的整理与研究”(项目批准号:17GZGX08)阶段性成果。
关键词 岭南心学 陈白沙 湛若水 自得 自然 主静 随时随处 Lingnan philosophy of the mind Chen Xianzhang Zhan Ruoshui self-acquisition the natural quiet meditation moral cultivation in any place and at any time
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