

On the Same Presuppositions of Two Parties of Chinese Translation of Being
摘要 关于Being的汉译纷争由来已久、至今未果。粗略地可将混战诸方简划为存在(有)派与是派。两派虽主张各异,却大概分享如下共同预设:(1) 名词Being源于动词to be,故欲理解Being须回返to be;(2) to be具备两种不同、甚至互不相干的用法即系词用法和非-系词的存在用法。第1条预设是比较合理的,但第2条预设值得商榷。To be的系词用法和存在用法不但非截然二分,而且在根底处纠结一体。所有系词包括现代汉语里的系词是本就无可争议地内含存在义。以是译Being根本不会遗漏Being原有存在之义。比较两派对海德格尔Sein之汉译可知正是因为两派囿于第2条预设,从而可能错失了对Sein之更佳理解。 It is a fairly long controversy over Chinese translation of Being.I attempt to divide the debate parties into only two,namely,存在(有)-party and是-party.Although they are entirely different from each other,they are actually sharing the following two presuppositions.(1)The noun Being origins from the verb to be,accordingly,if someone strives to understand Being,then he or she has to investigate to be first.(2)To be has two absolutely different uses or meanings,i.e.,copula,as well as non-copula existence.I agree with the first presupposition in principle,whereas I argue against the second one.To be’s two uses do form each other,and copula certainly means or entails existence simultaneously.Therefore,translating Being into是will never lose Being’s original meaning of existence.It’s due to the second false presupposition that both parties miss the more appropriate understanding of Heidegger’s Sein.
作者 李菁 LI Jing(Department of Philosophy,Tongji University,Shanghai,200092)
机构地区 同济大学哲学系
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第12期94-102,共9页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“新维特根斯坦研究”(项目编号:22120200368)。
关键词 BEING to be 存在 系词 Being To be Copula
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  • 2海德格尔.《路标》[M].商务印书馆,2000年版.第400-401、401页.
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  • 4C H Kahn, The Verb "ben in Ancient Greek, p.316n.
  • 5C H Kahn, The Verb "be" in Ancient Greek, D Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht- Holland, 1973,p.316n.
  • 6G Vlastos, Degree of Reality in Plato, N D Smith, ed., Plato Critical Assessments, vol. Ⅱ, Routledge, New York, 1998,p.219.
  • 7Cf F E Peters, Greek Philosophical Terms: A Historical Lexicon, New York University Press, 1967,p.213.
  • 8C H Kahn, Retrospect on the Verb "to be" and Concept of Being,in The Logic of Being, D Reidel Publishing Company, 1973, p.12.
  • 9C H Kahn, Retrospect on the Verb "to be" and Concept of Being, p. 14,p.14.
  • 10C H Kahn, The Verb "be" in Ancient Greek, D Reidel Publishing Company, 1973, pp.401-402.








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