
下垂控制的双VSC直流并联系统的稳定性分析 被引量:1

Stability Analysis of DC Parallel System of Two VSCs With Droop Control
摘要 在多台电压源型变流器(VSC)组成的直流并联系统中,可以通过下垂控制实现直流电压控制以及功率均分,因此分析并联系统的稳定性十分必要。此处首先获取单个下垂控制的变流器的直流端阻抗模型,分析控制器参数对变流器阻抗特性的影响。然后,根据稳定性判据来判定并联系统的稳定性,并且通过阻抗特性的变化情况分析控制器参数对整个系统稳定性的影响,以达到设计参数使得系统稳定的目的。最后,通过实验验证了并联系统的稳定性分析结果。 In the voltage source converters(VSC)based DC parallel system,DC voltage control and power sharing can be realized by droop control.Therefore,it is necessary to analyze the stability of the parallel system.Firstly,the DC impedance model of a single droop controlled converter is obtained,and the influence of controller parameters on the impedance characteristics of the converter is analyzed.Then,the stability of the parallel system is determined according to the stability criterion,and the influence of the controller parameters on the stability of the whole system is analyzed through the change of the impedance characteristics.So the parameters can be designed to make the system stable.Finally,the stability analysis results of the parallel system are verified by experiments.
作者 薛丹红 刘进军 程力 刘增 XUE Dan-hong;LIU Jin-jun;CHENG Li;LIU Zeng(Xi*an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China)
机构地区 西安交通大学
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期20-23,共4页 Power Electronics
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFB1503101)
关键词 电压源型变流器 阻抗特性 稳定性判据 voltage source converter impedance characteristics stability criterion
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