In an attempt to allow nuclear power to reach high resource utilization,sufficient nuclear safety,nuclear proliferation resistance and lower financial risk,the concept of accelerator-driven advanced nuclear energy system(ADANES)is proposed[1;2].ADANES consists of a burner system and a fuel recycling system.The burner system is constructed based on the existing principles of accelerator-driven system(ADS)by combining nuclear waste transmutation,nuclear fuel breeding,and safety power production.Then,the spent nuclear fuels(SNFs)obtained from the water reactor can be reprocessed in the simple high temperature dry reprocessing[3;4](HT-dry reprocessing).In this reprocessing,a part of the nuclides containing neutron poison in the SNFs can be separated and disposed,while the remaining nuclides can be reused to produce new fuel.Using this method,only a fraction of the fission products(FPs)is removed without fine partitioning.