
“全球宗教格局”探析 被引量:4

An Exploration on the Global Religious Structure
摘要 随着全球化时代的到来,世界诸宗教的相互联系空前密切,它们之间的互动作用,如对立、冲突、交流、对话、合作等,对整个国际局势的影响也愈益增强,这就客观地要求研究者转变观念、拓宽视野,放眼于“全球宗教格局”来认识世界宗教领域出现的新情况、新问题、新挑战。全面探析“全球宗教格局”,既有助于更深入地认识宗教因素、宗教问题对国际政治、国际关系、国家安全等的广泛影响,又可促使我们意识到加强世界宗教研究、具备世界宗教知识的必要性与重要性。 In his address to the National Symposium held in May 2016 on Philosophy and Social Science,General Secretary Xi Jinping for the first time included the study of religions as“one of the eleven major academic disciplines whose accelerated improvement would serve as pillars for philosophy and social science in our country”.This important directive will henceforth play a guiding role in the deepening of religious studies in our academia,and in the popularization of religious knowledge and policies.Along with the coming of globalization,the world's various religions have become increasingly connected to each other.Their interactions in such forms as opposition,conflict,exchange,dialogue and cooperation,will result in increasing influence on the whole international situation.It is thus necessary for the religious researchers to change their mindsets and expand their horizons,and to take note of the new situation,problems and challenges in the world religious circle from the perspective of“the global religious structure”.A comprehensive investigation into“the global religious structure”will then not only enable us to have a better grasp of the widespread influence made by religious factors and issues upon such matters as international politics,international relations and national security,but also help us recognize the necessity and importance of strengthening the study of world religions,and equipping ourselves with adequate knowledge of world religions.
作者 张志刚 Zhang Zhigang(Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期23-32,共10页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“‘宗教中国化'的基础理论建构”(项目编号:18DA231) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目——北京大学人文学部跨学科研究平台建设项目“国家、文明与世界宗教”。
关键词 全球宗教格局 错综复杂性 信仰群体地缘分布 多元化与两极性 global religious structure complexity geographical distribution of belief groups pluralization and bipolarity
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