双辉光等离子表面冶金技术,也称作Xu-Tec Process,是在德国发明的离子渗氮技术的基础上,突破了离子渗氮技术只适用于气态非金属元素的局限性而发明的一项重大原创性技术。该技术可采用元素周期表中的金属和非金属元素,对金属材料进行表面合金化,开辟了"等离子表面冶金"的新领域。大量试验结果表明:该技术可在钢铁材料,钛及钛合金,铜及铜合金,以及金属间化合物等金属材料表面形成多种高硬度、耐磨、耐蚀及抗高温氧化的合金层。例如,在普通钢铁材料表面形成高速钢、不锈钢或镍基合金层,在钛合金表面形成耐磨或阻燃的合金层等。“双辉技术”可大幅度提高金属材料的表面性能,全面提升机械产品的质量和使用寿命,在各工业领域具有广阔的应用前景。该技术是一项资源节约型和没有任何污染的表面合金化技术,可以为国家节约大量贵重金属元素,降低生产成本,创造巨大的经济效益。这是一项能改变我国金属材料及机械制造业现状并使其走向高端的关键技术。
The docUlc glow plasma surface metallurou technology,also referreC to as Xa-Tce process,is a significant originaS inveetioo technology which is basef oo plasma nitading technology inveetef in Germany,and breaks through the limitation that plasma nitriding is applicable just to non-metallic elements.The Xu-Tec process can penetrate any element in the perioUta tabla of elements into metallta materials therefore dchiae thetr surface ploying,ang opens up a new fiell of plasma suObca metalluray.A larae nnmbea of axpeamental asults haye shown thnt p variety of alloyinn layers which 10/6 high harOnest ann are asistdnt h weo,corrosion ann higy-temperatura oxination can be formei on sUC,titanium ant titanium Hoe,coupco ant coupco alloe,ant inter-metallth compounn,such as high-span stat,stainless stat oa nichet-Tasu alloe layer format on stat materials,ant weaat resistant os flame-retaraant alloe—yef formeC on titanium Hoe,ant so on.The Xu-Teo Process can yratly inprova the surfaca poperties of metal materials.niiprova the qudlity h-servica Ufa of mecaanical pronuds.ant has a broan anplication prospect in yaOons innustuat fieins.This technoloye is a resonrco-saving ant pollution-free surfaca Hoying technoloye,can sava a loi of precions alloe elemenis foe the conntre.reCuca pronuction cost ant creaie huge economto returns.The Xu-Teo Process is a kef technoloye thai can cOanne the preseni situation of metal mateoal ant mecOanical mannfactunng intusto in Chinn ant mle it yo te high-ent level.
XU Zhocg(Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,Shanxi China)
Heat Treatment