
血清孕酮、绒毛膜促性腺激素水平预测复发性流产妇女早期流产价值 被引量:10

The value of serum progesterone and HCG levels for predicting early spontaneous abortion in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion
摘要 目的:探讨血清孕酮(P)、绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)对复发性流产妇女早期流产的预测价值,并分析其与免疫治疗效果关系。方法:回顾性收集2017年5月30日—2018年12月30日在本院行常规产前检查及分娩的孕产妇209例,其中无妊娠早期流产史孕妇125例(正常妊娠组),复发性流产再妊娠孕妇84例(根据本次孕早期是否流产分为流产组35例和未流产组49例)。分析3组孕早期(孕4、6、8、10、12周)P、HCG水平,以及对复发性流产妇女早期妊娠流产的预测价值。对流产组进行免疫治疗,观察P、HCG水平与免疫治疗效果可能关系。结果:复发性流产再妊娠孕妇(流产组和未流产组)自然流产次数及孕次大于正常妊娠组(P<0.05)。孕4、6、8、10、12周HCG水平、P水平流产组最低,未流产组次之,正常妊娠组最高(P<0.05)。ROC曲线显示,孕8周HCG、P水平对复发性流产再妊娠孕妇早期流产具有预测价值(P<0.05),且HCG联合P预测价值更高(AUC=0.81,灵敏度81.5%)。流产组35例接受免疫治疗15例成功,治疗成功组HCG、P水平高于治疗失败组(P<0.05)。结论:孕早期P联合HCG检测预测复发性流产早期妊娠流产的价值较高,且两指标水平与复发性流产妇女免疫治疗效果有关。 Objective:To investigate the value of serum progesterone(P)and HCG levels for predicting early spontaneous abortion of women with recurrent spontaneous abortion(RSA),and to analyze the correlation between P and HCG levels and effect of immunotherapy.Methods:209 pregnant women from May 30,2017 to December 30,2018 were collected retrospectively,which included 125 women without abortion history were in group A and 84 women with RSA were in group B.And in this pregnancy,the women in group B during the first trimester of pregnancy were also divided into 35 women with abortion in group B1 and 49 women without abortion abortion in group B2.The P and HCG levels of women during the first trimester of pregnancy(4,6,8,10,12 gestational weeks)were observed,and the value of P and HCG levels for predicting early pregnancy abortion of women in group B was analyzed.Immunotherapy was performed for the women in group B,and the correlation between P and HCG levels and immunotherapy effect was observed.Results:The number of spontaneous abortion of pregnancy of women in group B were significant higher than those of women in group A(P<0.05).During 4,6,8,10,12 gestational weeks,the HCG or P levels of women in group B1 was the lowest,and that in group A was the highest(P<0.05).ROC curve analysis showed that HCG level or P level of pregnant women during 8 gestational weeks had predictive value for early abortion in group B(P<0.05),and HCG level combined with P level had higher predicted value for early abortion of women with RSA during re-pregnancy(AUC=0.81 and the sensitivity=81.5%).A total of 15 women in group B had successful immunotherapy,and the levels of HCG and P of women in group B2 were significant higher than those women in group B1(P<0.05).Conclusion:The value of P level combined with HCG level of women for predicting the women with RSA is high,both the P level and HCG level are associated with the immunotherapy effects.
作者 刘红艳 徐亚辉 LIU Hongyan;XU Yahui(Shangqiu Central Hospital, Henan Province, 476000;Henan Provincial People's Hospital)
出处 《中国计划生育学杂志》 2020年第11期1852-1855,F0003,共5页 Chinese Journal of Family Planning
关键词 复发性流产再妊娠 早期流产 孕酮 人绒毛膜促性腺激素 免疫治疗 预测价值 Pregnancy of women with recurrent spontaneous abortion Abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy Progesterone Human chorionic gonadotropin Immunotherapy Predicting value
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