

International Contribution and World Significance of China's Anti-epidemic Action--Review of Overseas Views on China's Anti-epidemic Action
摘要 新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,海外针对中国抗疫的主体力量、中国对抗疫情的制度优势及成果、中国参与全球疫情防控的政策和作为展开了讨论。对此次疫情期间海外关于中国抗疫观点的整理和研究发现,大部分学者、媒体、政客对中国抗疫给予了正面的评价,他们肯定了中国人民展示出的众志成城,公义至上、积极生活、勇敢面对困难挑战的精神风貌,称赞了中国在疫情防控过程中彰显的制度优势,指明了中国疫情防控为全球公共卫生治理树立了新标杆;中国政府有关相互理解、团结协作、共同应对全球公共卫生挑战的号召收到了国际社会的普遍支持。总体来看,海外对于中国抗疫的客观评价越来越多,但亦不乏悲观否定者;其中有些真知灼见,但也有不少基于价值观、立场不同而产生的污名化、误读、误解。理性看待海外关于中国抗疫的评价,澄清其中的模糊和错误,对于中国争取国际社会的支持与理解,促进全球卫生治理合作具有重要意义。 Since the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic,overseas discussions have been held on the main force of China's anti-epidemic,the advantages and achievements of China's anti-epidemic system,and the policies and actions of China's participation in global epidemic prevention and control.According to the collation and research of overseas views on China's anti-epidemic during the epidemic,most scholars,media and politicians gave positive comments on China's anti-epidemic situation.They affirmed the Chinese people's spirit of unity,justice first,active life and bravely facing difficulties and challenges.They praised China's institutional advantages in the process of epidemic prevention and control China's epidemic prevention and control has set a new benchmark for global public health governance;the Chinese government's call for mutual understanding,unity and cooperation,and China's call to jointly respond to global public health challenges has received universal support from the international community.Generally speaking,there are more and more objective evaluations of China's anti-epidemic activities abroad,but there are also some pessimistic and negative people.Some of them have profound insights,but there are also many stigmatization,misreading and misunderstanding based on different values and positions.It is very important for China to win the support and understanding of the international community and promote the cooperation of global health governance to rationally treat the evaluation of overseas scholars on China's anti epidemic and clarify the ambiguity and mistakes.
作者 金伟 杨一凡 Jin Wei;Yang Yifan(School of Marxism,Wuhan University,Wuhan,China)
出处 《文化软实力研究》 2020年第3期22-32,共11页 Studies on Cultural Soft Power
关键词 中国抗疫 观点 述评 Anti-epidemic in China Viewpoint Review








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