目的:了解云南省吸毒人群滥用地西泮制剂的流行病学现况和药物滥用特征,为行政部门有效监管地西泮类制剂提供决策依据。方法:自行设计《云南省地西泮制剂、海洛因等混合滥用情况调查问卷》,对被访者进行一对一现场调查。结果:本次调查共收集有效调查表3 142份,问卷有效率为99.91%。被调查的人群中,男性占86.0%,平均年龄为(33.2±8.6)岁。本次抽样调查发现吸毒人群中地西泮制剂的使用者占35.68%,平均在首次物质滥用后2.8年开始使用地西泮制剂;私人诊所、零售药店是地西泮制剂的主要来源渠道。地西泮制剂滥用者主要以合并使用海洛因为主,最常见的的使用方式是静脉注射(90%),海洛因、地西泮制剂等多药滥用会给滥用者带来的自身伤害。结论:吸毒人群使用地西泮制剂行为对云南省的影响地区较广,应进一步加加强药品流通环节的监管,减少社会危害。
Objective:To understand the epidemiological status and characteristics of diazepam abuse among drug users in Yunnan Province,and to provide decision-making basis for administrative departments to supervise diazepam abuse effectively.Methods:The questionnaire of Diazepam and heroin abuse in Yunnan Province was designed by ourselves,and the respondents were investigated one-to-one.Results:A total of 3 142 valid questionnaires were collected and the effective rate was 99.91%.Of those surveyed,86.0 percent were men,with an average age of 33.2 to 8.6 years.The sample survey found that 35.68% of drug users began to use DIAZEPAM 2.8 years after the first substance abuse,and private clinics and retail pharmacies were the main sources of Diazepam.The most common use of Diazepam was intravenous injection (90%).The average daily cost of diazepam combined with heroin was 224.3 yuan.Heroin,Diazepam and other multi drug abuse can bring self harm to the abusers.Conclusion:The use of Diazepam in drug users in Yunnan Province has a wider impact on the region,should further strengthen the supervision of drug distribution links to reduce social harm.
LI Yu;WANG Jun(Yunnan Drug Evaluation Center,Kunming Yunnan 650101,China)
Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment