There has been a lasting debate as to whether NPE should be treated differently when it comes to injunctions. A similar but under-discussed issue is whether NPE should be treated differently when it comes to damages. Contrary to the possible intuition that there’s no way for legislators or judges to take the plaintiff’s status into consideration under the principle of total restitution, this principle does encompass enough flexibility to allow judges to treat NPE less favorably. The flexibility of the principle has its root in the complicity of the calculation of damages for intellectual property. The complicity is such that the judges cannot manage it without informational proxies. As long as a variable has shown strong correlation or even causal relationship with damages, this variable may have a place in the analytical framework to simplify future calculation. There is no per se obstacle to view the status of the party as informational proxy. However, at least in China, there is no evidence yet, and there may not be evidence in the near future, to show that a party’s being NPE bears strong correlation to lowered damages. Instead of looking into whether the plaintiff does not practice any patent, it is more useful to analyze how does the fact that plaintiff has not practiced the patent at issue affects the proper way of calculation. Whenever a plaintiff does not practice the patent at issue, regardless of whether he practices his other patented technologies, he shall receive damages based on reasonable royalties instead of lost profi t(at least instead of lost profi t in a narrow sense). The current legislation put unnecessary restrictions on the rule of calculating damages from the perspective of royalties, requiring on one hand established royalty, on another hand that the established royalty be adjusted upwards instead of downwards. Such restrictions have unnecessarily narrowed the scope of application of the rule, thus pushing the cases which can be calculated on the base of comparable license to the unstructured rule of statutory damages. In order to channeling these cases back to the calculation rule based on license fee, the current license rule need to be revised from an "established royalty rule" to "reasonable royalty rule".
Intellectual Property