
“一带一路”海外中国公民权益保护的法治困境破解 被引量:6

On Solutions to Predicaments of Rule of Law in Protecting the Rights and Interests of Overseas Chinese Citizens in Countries along the Belt and Road
摘要 由于“一带一路”沿线国家涉及面广且情况复杂,有的政局不稳、法治环境恶化,侵害海外中国公民权益的现象时有发生。尽管我国近年来逐步强化海外公民权益保护专门机构建设以及健全与完善相关法律制度,但是我国海外公民权益保护依然遭遇诸多法治困境,从而直接减损了海外中国公民权益保护的效果。对于沿带沿路海外中国公民权益保护的法治困境,现实呼唤从理念、机制、立法与司法等方面寻找破解方法。法理困境的出路需要借助人类命运共同体理论不断强化中国公民海外的法律地位,合理协调属地管辖与属人管辖的冲突;机制困境的突破依赖于其内在统一性的建立和创新;立法困境的出路在于制定海外中国公民权益保护的上位法和专门法,并采用灵活方式推进国际公约的创制;司法困境的克服重在提高司法的有效性,清除当地救济障碍,消除国际社会偏见。“一带一路”建设势必开启海外中国公民权益保护的新里程,唯有多方略与多路径破解困境,才可进一步强化海外中国公民权益保护的法治机制。 Due to the extensive coverage and complex situation of the countries along the Belt and Road,political instability and deterioration of the rule of law in some of these countries,and violations of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese citizens occur from time to time.Although China has increasingly strengthened the construction of specialized institutions for protecting the rights and interests of its overseas citizens and sharply improved the relevant legal system in recent years,the protection of the rights and interests of China’s overseas citizens still encounters many predicaments in rule of law,which directly undermines the effectiveness of the protection.As for the predicaments of rule of law in protecting the rights and interests of the overseas Chinese citizens along the Belt and Road,ways have to be found out from the conceptual,institutional,legislative and judicial aspects.To solve these predicaments,it is necessary to continuously strengthen the legal status of the Chinese citizens abroad through the community of shared future for mankind and reasonably alleviate conflicts between territorial and personal jurisdictions.In addition,the breakthrough of the institutional predicaments depends on the establishment and innovation of its inherent unity.To conquer legislative predicaments,higher-level and special laws for the protection of the rights and interests of the overseas Chinese citizens have to be formulated,and meanwhile the flexible methods to promote the formulation of international conventions have to be adopted.As for the countermeasures to overcome the judicial predicaments,great importance has to be attached to improving the effectiveness of the legal system,removing local obstacles to legal aid and eliminating prejudice occurred in the international community.The Belt and Road Initiative inevitably opens a new milestone in the protection of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese citizens,and only when we tackle all these predicaments from a variety of aspects with different approaches can the rule of law mechanism for protecting the rights and interests of overseas Chinese citizens be further enhanced.
作者 蒋新苗 刘杨 JIANG Xin-miao;LIU Yang(School of Law,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410080,China;College of Political Science and Law,Hunan Institute of Science and Technology,Yueyang 414006,China)
出处 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期5-20,共16页 Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目:“一带一路”海外中国公民权益保护的法律供给机制研究(16AZD023)。
关键词 “一带一路” 海外中国公民 权益保护 当地救济 领事保护 外交保护 法治困境 the Belt and Road the overseas Chinese citizens protecting the rights and interests local relief consular protection diplomatic protection predicaments of rule of law
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