The US Vertical Merger Guidelines issued in 2020 is a belated response of US antitrust enforcement agencies to the Post-Chicago school in vertical merger area.Unlike in China,the guidelines relate the connotation of the relevant market directly to the competition harm and distinguish the relevant market from the related product.The essence of relevant market is the place in which competition harm occurs,and the essence of related product is the cutting way to competition harm.When evaluating the potential competition harm of a vertical merger transaction,agencies should evaluate the ability and incentive of the merged firm to foreclose its rivals in the relevant market or raise rivals'cost through related product.The key to the evaluation of ability factor is to assess whether the rivals is able to switch to the alternatives to the related product,and the key to the evaluation of the incentive factor is to analyze how likely the merged fi rm would fi nd it profi table to conduct foreclosing behavior.During the evaluation,the potential procompetitive effect such as the elimination of double marginalization of the transaction should also be considered.
Competition Policy Research