English Teaching & Research Notes
1Algeo,J.1995."Having a look at the expanded predicate",in B.Aarts and C.F.Meyer(eds.).The Verb in Contemporary English:Theory and Description[C].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,pp.203-217.
2Allan,Quentin.1998.Delexical verbs and degrees of desemanticization[J].Word 49(1):1-17.
3Alternberg,B.& S.Granger.2001.The Grammatical and lexical Patterning of MAKE in Native and Non-native Student Writing[J].Applied Linguistics,22(2):173-194.
4Dixon,R.1991.A New Approach to English Grammar on Semantic Principles[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,pp.1-416.
5Liu,Eric T.K.& Philip M.Shaw.2001.Investigating Learner vocabulary:A possible approach to looking at EFL/ESL learners' qualitative knowledge of the word[J].International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching,39:171-194.
6Live,A.H.1973.The Take-Have Phrasal in English.Linguistics Vol.95[J],pp.31-50.
7Quirk,R.et al.,1979.A Grammar of Contemporary English[M].London:Longman,pp.1-1120.
8Sinclair,John and Antoinette Renouf.1988.A lexical syllabus for language learning[A].In R.Carter and M.McCarthy (eds.),Vocabulary and Language Teaching.London:Longman,140-158.
9Stein,G.The phrasal verb type "to have a look" in modern English,International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching[J],29(1):1-29
10Stein,G.and R.Quirk.1991."On having a look in a corpus",in K.Aijmer and B.Altenberg (eds.) English Corpus Linguistics[C],New York:Longman,pp.197-203