
深入学习贯彻习近平生态文明思想扎实推进农业农村绿色发展 被引量:6

To steadily promote green development of agriculture and rural areasby studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s Thought on Ecological Civilization
摘要 农业农村部科技教育司副司长张晔在“2020年深入学习贯彻习近平生态文明思想研讨会”上作主题发言。我刊特此刊发以飨读者。张晔介绍了农业农村部学习践行习近平生态文明思想的相关进展。一是深入贯彻习近平生态文明思想,切实把农业农村生态文明建设摆在突出位置。准确把握人与自然和谐共生要求,加快转变农业发展方式。自觉践行新发展理念,坚定走农业绿色发展之路。深刻理解美丽中国科学内涵,着力推进美丽宜居乡村建设。二是坚决贯彻落实中央生态文明部署,推动农业农村绿色发展取得阶段性成效。化肥农药减量增效,连续三年实现负增长。畜禽养殖污染全面治理,粪污资源化利用率稳步提升。秸秆农膜回收体系基本建立,综合利用水平逐步提高。耕地土壤污染管控与修复稳步推进,产地环境安全得到有效保障。农村人居环境整治全面铺开,美丽乡村建设成效显现。三是坚持以习近平生态文明思想为指导,全面提升农业农村生态环境保护与治理能力。加快构建农业农村生态环境保护政策体系。着力构建绿色循环发展的农业产业体系。不断完善农业农村生态环境保护协同治理体系。不断健全农业农村生态环境保护科技支撑体系。建立健全农业农村生态环境保护监测评价体系。 Zhang Ye,Deputy Director General of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,delivered the keynote speech at the symposium on In-depth Study and Implementation of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Ecological Civilization in 2020.Here is her speech report to share with readers.Zhang Ye introduced the relevant progress of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in learning and practicing Xi Jinping’s Thought on Ecological Civilization.First,we will thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s Thought on Ecological Civilization and give high priority to promoting ecological progress in agriculture and rural areas.We should correctly understand the requirements for harmonious coexistence between man and nature and accelerate the transformation of the pattern of agricultural development.We will conscientiously implement the new development philosophy and resolutely pursue green agricultural development.We should have a deep understanding of the scientific connotation of A Beautiful China and strive to build a beautiful and livable countryside.Second,we will resolutely implement the Central Government’s plans for promoting ecological progress and achieve initial results in green development of agriculture and rural areas.Fertilizer and pesticide reduction and efficiency,negative growth for three consecutive years.Pollution from livestock and poultry breeding has been comprehensively treated,and the utilization rate of waste resources has been steadily improved.The straw film recovery system has been basically established,and the comprehensive utilization level has been gradually improved.Steady progress has been made in the control and remediation of cultivated land soil pollution,and the environmental security of producing areas has been effectively guaranteed.We improved living conditions in rural areas,and made progress in building beautiful rural areas.Third,under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Ecological Civilization,we will comprehensively improve the ability of agriculture and rural areas to protect and improve the ecology and environment.We will accelerate the establishment of policies for agricultural and rural eco-environmental protection.We will work hard to build a green and circular system of agricultural industries.We will continue to improve the system for coordinated agricultural and rural eco-environmental protection.We will continue to improve the scientific and technological support system for agricultural and rural eco-environmental protection.We will establish and improve a monitoring and evaluation system for agricultural and rural eco-environmental protection.
作者 张晔 ZHANG Ye(Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China,Beijing100125,China)
出处 《环境与可持续发展》 2020年第6期31-33,共3页 Environment and Sustainable Development
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