
异质性研发、知识溢出与企业创新产出——基于创新链视角的实证分析 被引量:9

Idiosyncratic R&D,Knowledge Spillover and the Innovation Output of Enterprises——An Empirical Study from the Perspective of Innovation Chain
摘要 畅通创新链的首要前提,是科学认识嵌入创新链的不同类型企业所承载的创新功能差异及企业间技术经济联系。利用2012—2018年我国上市公司授权专利的前向索引数据进行统计分析发现,不同所有制企业存在异质性研发行为,国有企业研发活动更多承担了基础研究创新功能,而民营企业研发活动更多承担了应用研究创新功能。运用面板Tobit模型实证分析异质性研发知识溢出对企业创新产出的影响,结果表明,国有企业知识溢出对企业发明专利与非发明专利申请均表现为促进作用,民营企业知识溢出对企业发明专利申请表现为促进作用,而对非发明专利申请表现为抑制作用,且作用大小在不同所有制以及不同生命周期的企业间存在差异。由此,基于创新链构建新型国家创新体系过程中,应引导国有企业优先布局高度依赖基础研究的科学领域,解决市场失灵问题并充分发挥其创新促进效应;鼓励民营企业在共性技术研究领域展开协作,规避同业竞争所形成的创新抑制效应;因企制宜、分类施策,实现创新资源高效配置和综合集成。 The primary premise for smoothing the innovation chain is to format scientific cognition of the differential innovative function undertook by different types of enterprises and the technical economic relations between the enterprises.Based on the data of the listed manufacturing companies'patent forward citations from 2012 to 2018,this paper found that there exist idiosyncratic R&D behaviors among different ownership enterprises.The R&D activities of state-owned enterprises have more assumed the innovative function of basic research,while the R&D activities of private enterprises have more assumed the innovative function of applied research.This paper used the panel Tobit model to empirically analyze the impact of idiosyncratic R&D's knowledge spillover on enterprises'innovation output.The results showed that the knowledge spillover of state-owned enterprises can significantly promote the applications of all kinds of patent,while the knowledge spillover of private enterprises shows a promoting effect on the applications of invention patents and an inhibitory effect on the applications of non-invention patents.And the level of influence varies among the enterprises with different ownership or different stages of life-cycle.This paper contains the following policy implications.During the process of constructing a new national innovation system based on the innovation chain,state-owned enterprises should be guided into the scientific fields which are highly dependent on basic research in order to solve the problem of market inefficiency and give full play to its innovation promotion effect.Private enterprises should be encouraged to collaborate in the field of common technology in order to avoid the innovation inhibition effect formed by horizontal competition.Making appropriate policies according to the enterprises'situations will also be conducive to the efficient allocation and comprehensive integration of innovative resources.
作者 蒋欣娟 吴福象 丛海彬 Jiang Xinjuan;Wu Fuxiang;Cong Haibin(Economic School, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;Business School, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315000, China)
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第24期80-89,共10页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71803078) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(14ZDA024) 江苏省333人才支持计划项目(BRA2017358)。
关键词 异质性研发 知识溢出 创新产出 创新链 Idiosyncratic R&D Knowledge Spillover Innovation Output Innovation Chain
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