
装配式轻质隔墙的隔声性能研究 被引量:5

Study of sound insulation performance of prefabricated lightweight partitions
摘要 近些年,装配式轻质隔墙由于在现场施工和造价等方面的优势被逐步推广,其隔声性能的研究也日益受到重视。由于隔声性能受多种因素影响,文章通过一系列实验,研究和分析了不同材料和构造对装配式轻质隔墙隔声性能的影响。结果表明,装配式轻质隔墙的隔声性能受墙体板材自身的声学性能影响较大,其共振频率主要出现在125~250 Hz;通过增加墙板层数,在墙体两侧加挂或外粘玻镁板,能有效提高墙体在中低频的隔声性能;在龙骨和墙板之间填充岩棉,能显著提升墙体在全频段的隔声性能,同时能有效改善低频共振对其隔声性能的影响。 In recent years,the prefabricated lightweight partition wall has been gradually popularized due to its advantages in site construction and manufacturing cost.And the research on its sound insulation performance has attracted more and more attention.Because the sound insulation performance is affected by many factors,a serious of experiments have been conducted to study and analyze the influences of different materials and structures on the sound insulation performance of prefabricated lightweight partition wall.The results show that the sound insulation performance of the prefabricated lightweight partition wall is greatly affected by the acoustic performance of the wall board material itself,and the resonance frequency mainly appears in 125-250 Hz.By increasing the number of layers of the wall board and hanging or sticking glass fiber&magnesium cement board on both sides of the wall,the sound insulation performance of the wall can be effectively improved at low and middle frequencies.By filling rock wool between the keel and the wall board,the sound insulation performance of the wall in the whole frequency bands can be markedly improved and the influence of low frequency resonance on sound insulation performance can be ameliorated effectively at the same time.
作者 吕旺阳 谢辉 何益 LYU Wangyang;XIE Hui;HE Yi(Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning Chongqing University,Chongqing 400045,China;Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area,Ministry of Education,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400045,China)
出处 《声学技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期721-727,共7页 Technical Acoustics
基金 住房城乡建设部科学技术计划与北京未来城市设计高精尖创新中心开放课题(UDC2017031312) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(106112017CDJXSYY0002) 重庆市研究生科研创新项目(CYB19051)。
关键词 装配式 轻质隔墙 隔声性能 prefabricated lightweight partition wall sound insulation performance
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