
地屈孕酮联合葆宫止血颗粒治疗经间期出血疗效观察 被引量:9

Clinical Observation on Dydrogesterone Combined with Baogong Zhixue Granules in the Treatment of Intermenstrual Bleeding
摘要 目的:观察地屈孕酮联合葆宫止血颗粒治疗经间期出血的临床效果。方法:将21~35岁主诉月经中期出血半年以。上患者168例随机分为3组,观察组57例服用地屈孕酮联合葆宫止血颗粒治疗,对照1组55例单用地屈孕酮治疗,对照2组56例单用葆宫止血颗粒治疗,6个疗程后观察3组患者停药后6个月内阴道出血情况。结果:观察组未遵医嘱完成规定疗程3例,有生育计划停药1例,其余完成疗程患者中痊愈27例,显效17例,复发9例,总有效率为83.0%(44/53);对照1组未完成规定疗程3例,痊愈12例,显效12例,复发28例,总有效率为46.2%(24/52);对照2组未完成规定疗程2例,痊愈10例,显效14例,复发30例,总有效率为44.4%(24/54).观察组治疗痊愈率、总有效率均高于对照1.2组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:地屈孕酮联合葆宫止血颗粒治疗经间期出血疗效优于单用地屈孕酮或葆宫止血颗粒,且复发率低。 Objective: To observe curative effects of dydrogesterone and Baogong Zhixue granules in treating intermenstrual bleeding(IMB). Methods: All 168 patients aged between 21 and 35 years who complained of intermenstrual bleeding more than half a year were randomized into three groups, 57 cases of the observation group were treated by dydrogesterone and Baogong Zhixue granules, 55 cases of the control group No.1 by dydrogesterone,while 56 cases of the control group No.2 by Baogong Zhixue granules, to observe vaginal bleeding within six months after drug withdrawal when they were treated for six courses. Results: Three cases of the observation group failed to complete the prescribed course of the treatment, one case stopped taking medicines with family planning, among these patients who completed the courses, 27 cases cured, 17 cases markedly effective, nine case relapsed, total effective rate 83.0%(44/53);three cases in the control group No.1 failed to complete the prescribed course of treatment, 12 cases cured, 12 cases markedly effective, 28 cases relapsed, total effective rate was 46.2%(24/52);two cases of the control group No.2 didn′t finish the prescribed course, ten cases cured, 14 cases markedly effective, 30 cases relapsed, total effective rate was 44.4%(24/54). The observation group was higher than the control group No.1 and No.2 in therapeutic cure rate and total effective rate, and the difference had statistical meaning(P <0.05).Conclusion: Dydrogesterone and Baogong Zhixue granules are superior to only dydrogesterone or Baogong Zhixue granules in treating intermenstrual bleeding with low recurrence rate.
作者 马琳 MA Lin(Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,Xiamen University Hospital,Xiamen 361005,China)
出处 《西部中医药》 2020年第11期122-124,共3页 Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 经间期出血 葆宫止血颗粒 地屈孕酮片 临床观察 intermenstrual bleeding Baogong Zhixue granules dydrogesterone tablets clinical observation
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