
明代浙派中医名家楼英调治不孕症思想初探 被引量:4

Analysis of LOU Ying’s Academic Ideology in Treatment of the Infertility with TCM in Ming Dynasty
摘要 [目的]总结明代浙派中医名家楼英调治不孕症的学术特点及遣方用药经验,以期对不孕症的诊治提供新的思路与参考。[方法]通过对楼氏所著《医学纲目》中有关不孕症的章节加以研究分析,总结楼氏治疗不孕症的诊治心得,浅析其治疗不孕症的学术特点及用药经验,并引用三种证型加以说明。[结果]楼氏在提炼明代以前医学名家治疗不孕症的学术思想基础上,结合自身临床经验,认为不孕症的主因有气血不足、痰瘀气滞、体质偏颇、男方精气不足等,治疗该病以调和气血为原则,通过养血益气、行气化瘀、温经暖宫、化痰祛湿、温通督脉诸法辨证施治。文中所引痰塞胞络型、阴虚血亏型、瘀滞胞宫型三种不孕证型,充分体现了楼氏以健脾化痰、滋阴养血、化瘀通络为治则,采用丹溪植芝汤、增损三才丸、荡胞汤为主方调治不孕症的诊疗思路。[结论]楼氏认为不孕症是由多因素引起的女性机体气血失和,难以摄精成孕,其治疗当以调和气血为总则,辨证论治,其学术思想具备临床价值,同时也体现了明代浙派中医诊治不孕症的源流及特色。 [Objective] To summarize the medical experience and the academic ideology of LOU Ying, a famous Ming Dynasty practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) and to provide new ideas and references for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility.[Methods] This paper studied and analyzed the chapters about infertility in the "Compendium of Medicine" written by LOU Ying, summarized LOU’s experience in the treatment of infertility, and analyzed the academic characteristics and medication experience in the treatment of infertility, finally presented three types to explain. [Results] After refining the academic thoughts of various schools of medicine before the Ming Dynasty, and based on his clinical experiences, LOU Ying posited that infertility was mainly caused by insufficiency of Qi and blood, stagnation of phlegm, blood stasis and poor circulation of Qi, biased constitution,insufficiency of vital essence on the part of the male and other factors. The treatment of the disease was based on the principle of harmonizing Qi and blood, nourishing blood and supplementing Qi, promoting Qi and removing blood stasis, warming the meridians, removing phlegm and dampness, and warming the governor vessels were the main methods. Three medical cases presented belonged to three syndrome types of phlegm blocking uterine collateral type, deficiency of Yin and blood type and blood stasis stagnation of uterus type, and fully embodied LOU’s ideas of treating infertility by strengthening the spleen and resolving phlegm, nourishing Yin and blood, removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals, and adopted Danxi Zhizhi decoction, Zengsun Sancai pill and Dangbao decoction as main prescriptions in treatment of infertility. [Conclusion] LOU Ying posited that infertility was caused by multiple factors, which made it difficult for women to become pregnant. The treatment should be based on the general principle of harmonizing Qi and blood, and treated with syndrome differentiation. His academic thoughts had clinical value, and also reflected the origin and characteristics of the diagnosis and treatment of infertility by the Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine in the Ming Dynasty.
作者 陈赟 王如烨 赵颖 章勤(指导) CHEN Yun;WANG Ruye;ZHAO Ying(Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hangzhou(310007),China;Zhejiang Chinese Medical University)
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2020年第12期1197-1199,共3页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
基金 浙江省章勤名老中医专家传承工作室项目(GZS2017014)。
关键词 医学纲目 不孕症 用药特色 浙派中医 学术思想 中医妇科 楼英 证型 Compendium of Medicine infertility medication characteristics Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine academic ideology gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine LOU Ying syndrome type
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