

The Evolution of Private Salt Production and Sales and State Governance Models in Zhedong Region in the Song Dynasty
摘要 宋代食盐专卖制度下,浙东盐场、州仓存在不按时、不依额发放或减克盐户盐本钱以及肆意侵夺盐户盐货诸弊端,盐户因而被迫从事私盐制贩活动以完纳盐课与维持生计。同时,丰厚的盐利成为盐户热衷制贩私盐另一重要诱因,居于盐卤之地的濒海细民亦为盐利所诱煎贩私盐。这两大群体随即成为浙东私盐的持久供应者。活跃于浙东私盐市场的不法商旅是盐户、濒海细民所产私盐的主要收集者,由其将私盐贩卖至各地。至此,浙东私盐制贩体系得以构建。面对愈演愈烈的浙东私盐制贩活动,宋廷被动地以灶甲制、巡检寨、私盐律等举措予以预防并施以程度不等的惩治,由此不断强化国家对浙东盐业场域的治理力度。由于浙东地方执行者基于自利性考量,多选择与私盐制贩者结成利益共同体,从而致使国家治理措施难以收到预期效果。然究浙东私盐始终无法根绝的深层次原因,乃在于宋廷只是一味地强力维系业已僵化的食盐专卖体制,而未曾基于盐户、盐商利益对该体制进行必要的调适。 Under the salt monopoly system of the Song Dynasty,there are some disadvantages in the salt works and warehouse of Zhedong region,such as not issuing salt on time and not according to the amount of Yanbenqian or reduce Yanbenqian of salt cookers.Therefore,salt cookers were forced to engage in private salt production and trading activities to complete salt tax and maintain their livelihood.The rich salt profits has become another important incentive for smuggling.People live at the seaside are also tempted by salt profits to boil and sell private salt.These two groups immediately became permanent suppliers of private salt in Zhedong region.The illegal business travelers active in the private salt market in Zhedong are the main collector of private salt and they sell private salt to various places.So far,the private salt production and sales system in Zhedong region has been built.In the face of the increasingly fierce private salt production and trade activities in Zhedong region,the imperial government passively took measures such as Zaojia system,Xunjianzhai and private salt law to prevent and punish the behavior of private salt production and sales,thus continuously strengthening the state’s governance of the salt field in Zhedong region.Due to self-interested considerations,local executives in Zhedong region have chosen to form a community of interests with private salt makers and traders,which makes it difficult for state governance measures to achieve the desired results.However,the deep-seated reason why Zhedong private salt can never be rooted out is that the imperial government only firmly maintains the rigid salt monopoly system and has not made necessary adjustments to the system based on the interests of salt cookers and salt merchants.
作者 张宏利 刘璐 ZHANG Hongli;LIU Lu
出处 《盐业史研究》 CSSCI 2020年第4期41-52,共12页 Salt Industry History Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国疆域最终奠定的路径与模式研究”(项目编号:15ZDB028) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题“宋代浙江沿海滩涂开发与区域社会治理研究”(项目编号:20HQZZ02) 2020年度渤海大学博士科研启动基金项目“宋代浙江海洋事业研究”(项目编号:0520bs025)的阶段性成果。
关键词 宋代 浙东 私盐制贩 国家治理 演变 Song Dynasty Zhedong private salt production and sale state governance evolution
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