A new species,Paramorphocoris hubeiensis Bai&Heiss sp.nov.from Hubei Province,China,is described.The new species is similar to Paramorphocoris henanensis Bai&Heiss,2015,but differs from the latter by the postocular lobes with a larger subrounded granular tubercle;anterolateral lobes of pronotum shorter and more rounded;median ridge of meso-and metanotum with a distinct longitudinal sulcus,laterally with several thin oblique carinae;antennae slightly shorter,segment III longer than I.Diagnostic morphological features of the new species are illustrated.A key to species of Paramorphocoris is also provided.
描述中国湖北扁蜷科Ⅰ新种,湖北副形扁蜷Paramorphocoris hubeiensis Bai&Heiss sp.nov.。该种和河南副形扁蜷Paramorphocoris henanensis Bai&Heiss,2015相似,但与后者的区别为眼后突具大的粒状瘤;前胸背板前侧突短、钝圆状;中、后胸背板中脊具纵中缝线,中脊侧缘面具细的斜纹;触角相对较短,第3节长于第1节。新种的鉴别特征有图示说明。提供副形扁蜷属Paramorphocoris的分种检索表。
This research is supported by the Key Special Projects of the National Key Research and Development Program(2017YFD0201000)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31860613).