

Carrying forward Excellent Historical and Cultural Spirit and Building up the Community Consciousness of the Chinese nation--An Analysis of the Contributions of Fengheng to the National Unity in the Three Kingdoms Period from the Historical Play Weishui Medical Soul
摘要 “铸牢中华民族共同体意识”是党的十九大对我国民族工作提出的明确要求,是当前民族工作的主题主线,在近代民族存亡危机和西方民族主义思潮的双重冲击下,中华民族有了共同体意识的自觉,中华各民族在历史上的团结和统一为中华民族共同体的产生奠定了雄厚的基础。甘肃省作家协会会员张慧源编剧、甘肃丝绸之路渭河文化公司编排演出的大型秦腔历史剧《渭水医魂》,其主角系一位东汉末年生活于渭河源地区与华佗、葛洪等齐名的名医——封衡,对我国古代中医的发展作出了卓越贡献的同时,他提出的处理民族关系的主张对三国时期曹操处理羌汉关系、乃至后世也有很大的影响;此剧后来由北京红紫依国际影视文化传媒公司和甘肃丝绸之路渭河文化公司联合拍摄成具有古代传奇色彩的戏剧电影。笔者在当前民族工作主题下,依据文献资料及戏剧作品《渭水医魂》,将封衡对民族团结的贡献做一定探究,分析其对“铸牢中华民族共同体意识”的积极作用。 "Building the community consciousness of the Chinese nation"is a clear requirement put forward by the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China for China's national work and the main theme of the current national work.Under the double impact on the crisis of modern national survival and western nationalism,the Chinese nation has had the consciousness of community consciousness,but the solidarity and unity of the Chinese nation in history has laid a solid foundation for the emergence of the Chinese national community.Weishui Medical Soul,a large-scale Qin Opera composed by Zhang Huiyuan who's a member of Gansu Writers Association,was choreographed and performed by Weihe Culture Company on the Silk Road of Gansu Province,depicted the main role of Feng Heng living in the Weihe River area at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and making outstanding contributions to the development of ancient Chinese medicine in China,a doctor as famous as Hua Tuo and Ge Hong.At the same time,it discussed strategies of solving ethnic relation issues,Zhang also had a great influence on Cao Cao's handling of the relationship between Qiang and Han during the Three Kingdoms period,and even later generations.Later,the drama was jointly shot by Beijing Hongziyi International Film and Television Culture Media Company and Gansu Silk Road Weihe Culture Company as a drama film with ancient legend.Under the current theme of ethnic work,and on the basis of the literature and drama Weishui Medical Soul,the paper made a certain exploration to Feng Heng's contributions to ethnic unity,and analyzed its positive role in"building a strong sense of the Chinese national community".
作者 王玉桃 WANG Yu-tao
出处 《民族艺林》 2020年第4期139-146,共8页 Journal of Ethnic Art
关键词 中华民族共同体意识 封衡 民族团结 贡献 community consciousness of the Chinese nation Feng Heng national unity contribution
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