城市地表沉降是限制城市发展的重要制约因素之一,加强城市地表沉降监测有助于城市长期规划、建设需要。本文以某城市2号线地铁为主要研究对象,选用2景Sentinel-1A影像使用PS-InSAR技术,分析了该城市地面沉降时空分布特征和2号线地铁沿线沉降分布特征,结果表明:研究区沉降中心具有明显的规律性,沉降量最大的区域与城市交通网络具有良好的空间耦合关系,沉降量为27.3—30.3 mm,且具有不连续而广泛分布的特征,由多个沉降漏斗组成;使用PS-InSAR技术获得的监测结果与GPS监测结果的平均误差为0.86 mm,二者的误差均小于3 mm/a,说明本文所使用的PS-InSAR技术在城市地表沉降监测中具有良好的应用前景,其监测精度完全满足社会基本需求。本文的研究成果可为城市今后规划、建设提供可靠的依据。
Urban surface subsidence is one of the important constraints restricting urban development,and strengthening urban surface subsidence monitoring is helpful to the long-term planning and construction needs of cities.In this paper,using the PS-InSAR technology of 2 Sentinel-1A images,the characteristics of the spatial and temporal distribution of ground subsidence in the city and the characteristics of the settlement distribution along the subway line 2 are analyzed,and the results show that the settlement center of the study area has obvious regularity.The area with the largest settlement is well space-coupled with the urban traffic network,with settlement volume of about 27.3 to 30.3 mm,and has the characteristics of discontinuous and widely distributed,consisting of multiple settlement funnels,and the average error between monitoring results and GPS monitoring results obtained using PS-InSAR technology is 0.86 mm.The error of both is less than 3 mm/a,which shows that the PS-InSAR technology used in this paper has a good application prospect in urban surface settlement monitoring,and its monitoring accuracy fully meets the basic needs of society.
WU Jiang(Heyuan Land and Resources Information Center,Heyuan 510800,China)
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology