南郊唐墓位于宁夏固原市西南新区,北距兴城路200米,东距建业路500米(图一)。2015年6~7月,为配合基本建设,宁夏文物考古研究所在勘探过程中发现并清理了汉代至明代墓葬27座,其中唐墓4座(编号M 1~M4),除M2盗扰严重外,其余3座保存较好。3座墓葬排列有序,方向一致,出土器物较具特色。现将发掘情况简报如下。
These Tang Dynasty tombs were located at the southwest new zone of Guyuan's southern suburb in Ningxia.To coordinate with capital construction,the Ningxia Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted an excavation on 27 tombs dated from the Han to the Ming Dynasties.Four tombs(Ml to M4)were dated to the Tang Dynasty and three of them were well preserved.One of the tombs,M2,had previously been robbed.The three undisturbed tombs had the same orientation and the burial objects were distinctive,and included pottery wares,white marble figurines,and bronze mirror.A rare unfinished epitaph was carved on the back of the stone cover in tomb M3.Based on the content of this epitaph,the tomb was built in the 12th regnal year of Kaiyuan(724).The burial objects from the three other tombs are all of a similar style,suggesting that they date from a similar period.The white marble figurines found in M3 and M4 were exquisitely sculptured with simple lines and enrich the archaeological material excavated from other Tang Dynasty tombs in the Ningxia area.
Cultural Relics