

Numerical Simulation of Catalytic Combustion with Porous Media in Microburners
摘要 通过建立简易的二维微型燃烧器模型,用Fluent软件对甲烷和空气的预混气体在微型燃烧器内的燃烧情况进行了数值模拟。讨论了甲烷通入质量浓度,混合气体通入速度,气体入口温度对燃烧状况的影响,得出了不同情况下燃烧器内的温度变化趋势,为燃烧器的结构改进提供了理论依据。结果表明:入口质量浓度越大,通入速度越大,气体入口温度越低,燃烧器内气体达到温度稳定所需要的时间越长,此时气体混合物通过燃烧器的距离越长,即越接近于燃烧器出口端。其中,入口温度是最为关键的因素。 By establishing a simple model of two-dimensional micro combustor,Fluent software is used to simulate methane and air premixed gas combustion in the micro combustor. The mass concentration of input methane,the speed of mput gas mixtre,the influerce of the temperature of gas at mlet to the combustion status is disaussed,and the temperature changing curre of the burner under various combution condition is corcluded. So it can provide a theoretical basis for the structure improvement of burner. The results show that The higher the inlet mass concentration,the higher the inlet velocity,the lower the inlet temperature of the gas,the longer it takes for the gas in the burner to reach the temperature stability,and the longer the distance of the gas mixture through the burner,that is,the closer it is to the outlet end of the burner.Among them,inlet temperature is the most critical factor.
作者 尹洋 余志伟 孙靖宇 晏楚骁 盖东兴 YIN Yang;YU Zhiwei;SUN Jingyu;YAN Chuxiao;GAI Dongxing(School of Optoelectronic Information and Energy enzineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430073,China)
出处 《工业加热》 CAS 2020年第12期35-38,共4页 Industrial Heating
关键词 微型燃烧器 温度 预混气体 模拟 microburner temperature premixed gases simulation
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