

An Analysis of Wang Lun Being Sent on a Diplomatic Mission--Changes of Implications of Liang Gong in the Early Southern Dynasty
摘要 宋高宗绍兴九年(1139)正月,王伦出使金朝。《建炎以来系年要录》《宋史·王伦传》等书记载王伦此次出使使职为迎请梓宫、奉还两宫、交割地界使。《宋会要辑稿》《宋史·高宗本纪》等书所载王伦出使所带使职为迎请梓宫、皇太后、交割地界使。《建炎以来系年要录》等书成书年代均早于《宋会要辑稿》及《宋史》。且当宋徽宗逝世后,宋人眼中的"两宫"意指宋钦宗及韦后。宋高宗为应对反对和议的呼声,曾多次在人前表态自己屈己议和是为迎回梓宫、宋钦宗、皇太后,为自己屈辱的和议披上道德的外衣,这不仅使南宋朝廷内部反对和议的呼声越来越小,还直接推动了南宋朝廷忙碌于迎接"两宫"的工作。故而《建炎以来系年要录》等书记载的"两宫"贴近历史事实,它不仅反映出王伦出使时的真实使职,也反映出当时真实的社会背景。 In the first month of Shaoxing nine years(1139),Wang Lun was sent to Jin Dynasty by the Emperor Gaozong.The mission of Wang Lun,this year,was recorded as asking for emperor’s coffin,Liang Gong and designated national borders:by Jian Yan Yi Lai Xi Nian Yao Lu and Autobiography of Wang Lun in the book of Song Shi.But this year’s mission was recorded as asking for emperor’s coffin,Empress dowager and designated national borders with Jin Dynasty by Song Hui Yao Ji Gao and The Emperor Biographic Sketches of Song Shi.However,Jian Yan Yi Lai Xi Nian Yao Lu was finished before the Song Hui Yao Ji Gao and Song Shi.Indeed,after the death of the Song emperor Huizong,in the eyes of people,Liang Gong was referred to Song Qinzong and Wei Hou.Together with the emperor in response to the opposes,he often said his purpose was to welcome back the emperor’s coffin of Song Huizong,the Song Qinzong and Wei Hou,which give humiliation and a moral cloak for the peace negotiations,not only makes the Southern Song Dynasty opposes calls become more and more small,but also promoted the southern Song Dynasty was busy to prepare the work for to meet Liang Gong.Therefore,the Liang Gong’s record in Jian Yan Yi Lai Xi Nian Yao Lu not only reflected the realistic mission of Wang Lun,but also reflected the real social background at that time.
作者 黄昌付 Huang Changfu(Center for Studies of Song History,Hebei University,Baoding,Hebei 071002,China)
出处 《保定学院学报》 2021年第1期40-44,共5页 Journal of Baoding University
关键词 两宫 梓宫 南宋 王伦 Liang Gong Song Huizong’s coffin Southern Song Dynasty Wang Lun
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