
法国为何盛产哲学家?——一项关于法国高中哲学教育的考察 被引量:4

Why is France Rich in Philosophers?:An Inquiry on Philosophy Education in French High Schools
摘要 源于两希文明的基督教与经院哲学孕育了法国哲学的历史底色,文艺复兴与启蒙运动成就了法国哲学在世界文明史上的重要地位,而滥觞于法国的后现代哲学运动亦是引领世界的哲学思潮。法国高中哲学教育深植于厚重的哲学传统,在跌宕起伏的历史洗礼中发展壮大:加洛林时代至启蒙运动时期养成其基本精神风貌;法国大革命时期取得法律地位继而于政权更迭中发展;第二帝国时期历经取消与重建并在随后的政局动乱中巩固;二战后在国力腾飞与政教分离等推动下不断走向世俗化与大众化。法国高中哲学教育今已成为世界瞩目的"国家特色",建立了从师资遴选、课程教学到考试评价的完整体系,构成了全方位、全过程的哲学教育机制。中华民族伟大复兴离不开哲学智慧,我国探索在中学阶段引入哲学教育首先应回答"培养什么样的人"这一根本问题,并且有必要将培养哲学家作为哲学教育的重要任务。 Christianity and the philosophy of the Academy,which originated in the Greek and Greek civilizations,gave birth to the historical background of French philosophy.Philosophy has played an important role in the history of world civilization,and the post-modern philosophical movement originated in France lead the world in philosophy.The French high school philosophical education is deeply rooted in the philosophical matrix,which has developed through history’s ups and downs.The basic ethos of philosophy was laid down from the Caroline era to the Enlightenment,and it took on legal status during the French Revolution and then developed during the change of power.It then experienced abolition and reconstruction in the Second Reich and consolidation in the ensuing political turmoil.During the post-World War II,it upsurged in national power and secularism and promoted its secularization and popularization.The teaching of philosophy at the upper secondary level in France has become a"national feature"that has been recognized worldwide and developed an all-round and whole-process philosophy education system of teachers’selection,curriculum and instruction,and examinations and assessment.The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is inseparable from philosophical wisdom.China’s exploration of introducing philosophy education in secondary schools should firstly answer the question of"what kind of philosophy education should be cultivated?"This is a fundamental question of the"human being"and there is a need to make the training of philosophers an important task of philosophy education.
作者 邹红军 刘璎缔 ZOU Hongjun;LIU Yingdi(Faculty of Education,Northeast China Normal University,Jilin 130024,China;UFR ESTHUA,Tourisme et Culture,Université d’Angers,Angers,49004)
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第11期42-62,共21页 Global Education
基金 北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心自主课题“大数据时代我国教育评价技术的改变分析”(项目编号:BJZK-2019A3-19006) 吉林省社会科学基金项目“吉林省中小学劳动教育的实践创新模式研究”(项目编号:2019c72)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 法国哲学 法国高中 哲学教育 历史发展 当代实践 反思启示 French philosophy French high school philosophy education historical development realistic situation reflection enlightenment
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