Viral hepatitis uses hepatitis virus as the pathogen.Five types of hepatitis viruses have been identified,namely hepatitis A virus(HAV),hepatitis B virus(HBV),and hepatitis C virus hepatitis C virus(HCV),hepatitis D virus(HDV),hepatitis E virus(hepatitis E Virus,HEV).Among them,HBV is a double⁃stranded DNA virus,and the others are single⁃stranded RNA viruses.At present,my countrys vi⁃ral hepatitis has a high incidence,and the more prominent ones are HAV,HBV and HCV.At present,China has a high incidence of viral hepatitis,the more prominent are HAV,HBV,HCV.This article introduces the detection techniques of three viral hepatitis serum markers,including HAV,HBV,and HCV,in order to pro⁃vide an objective basis for clinically accurate classification of viral hepatitis and play a role in the prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis.
LI Yichun(Beihai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Laboratory,Guangxi,536000)
Journal of Molecular Diagnostics and Therapy