
四川平武龙州王氏土司墓葬研究 被引量:1

A Study of Longzhou Chieftain Wang Xi’s Family Cemetery in Pingwu, Sichuan Province
摘要 四川平武龙州王氏土司墓葬的M22应为王鉴夫人薛氏之墓,M12~M16的墓主可能为正德七年(1512年)之后的一位品官之墓,而非简报中推测的王玺之父及其夫人之墓。根据墓葬形制、墓内装饰、出土器物清晰的演进规律可分为早、中、晚三期4组,三期分别对应宣德至天顺年间、弘治到正德年间、正德七年(1512年)以后。依据墓葬中随葬器物出土位置和使用功能的不同,可将其区分为寄托了后人不一样情感的生器和祭器。同时,各墓出土券符类别和形制经历了三期的变化,从延续元代风格的第一期到发展高峰期的第二期再到逐渐简化的第三期,揭示了该地受道教灵宝派的影响较大。更重要的是土司家族普遍采用汉式的丧葬习俗是土司首领主动选择的结果,体现出了汉文化强大的向心力。 Through re-combing relevant materials of Wang Xi’s Families Cemetery in Pingwu County, Mianyang City, we believe M22 was the tomb of Wang Jian’s wife, and M12~M16 were the tombs of an official with ranks and his wives who lived after the seventh year of Zhengde period of Ming dynasty, rather than the tombs of Wang Xi’s father and his wives as conjectured in the brief report.According to different shapes of tombs and dating materials excavated from the tombs, we divide tombs in this cemetery into four groups, which correspond respectively to type AI, AII, BI and BII of Ming dynasty stone chamber tombs of officials with ranks in Sichuan. Based on the varying characteristics of different types of tombs, they fall into early, middle and late stages respectively.Through a comparative study of the decoration methods between the tombs of Wang Xiang couple and Wang Xi couple, we find that differences and changes in the decoration contents of the tombs are also the reflection of the evolution of tomb decoration in the early and middle Ming Dynasty. Funerary objects are further identified as daily-use items and sacrificial wares based on their different locations in the tombs. The stone credential inscription discovered in the tomb is a further reflection of the evolution of religion in Longzhou region during the Ming Dynasty. From the eighth year of Tianshun period(1464) to the seventh year of Zhengde period(1512), the region was always within the sphere of influence of Lingbao sect(Taoism).Available anthropological materials suggest that the Chieftains of Wangs took a conciliation approach and a respectful manner in their daily governance of the local people, while after death they tended to adopt the Han style funeral customs. It was the result of the chieftains’ initiative choice, which shows the strong cohesion of Chinese culture.Regarding the cemetery of Wang Xi family, the ages and evolution of the shapes of tombs are both figured out, presenting diverse decorative themes as well as exquisite and varying unearthed cultural relics. It is of great value for the exploration of the hereditary system of chieftains(‘Tusi’, 土司) in the Ming Dynasty, as well as the research of Tusi culture and the construction of the academic system of Tusi.
作者 岳亚莉 郑万泉 Yue Yali;Zheng Wanquan
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2020年第6期54-61,共8页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
基金 四川省科技厅2018年科研院所基本科研业务费“四川平武王氏土司家族墓地研究”。
关键词 土司 祭器 道教 丧葬习俗 文化认同 Tusi(Chieftain) sacrificial wares Daoism funeral custom cultural identification
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