
共同体化: 当代道德教育的一种新向度 被引量:12

Communalization:A New Dimension of Contemporary Moral Education
摘要 道德教育共同体化的目标在于涵养以共同体精神为核心的公共性品质,即通过道德教育使人们自觉参与共同体生活,不仅关心他者,更积极关心社会和国家。道德教育的共同体化符合人之为人的基本规定,有利于化解陌生人社会的伦理风险,弥补共同体形态与共同体意识的差距。以道德标准的匡正、互助型道德关系的构建、总体性的道德观照为核心内容,道德教育逐步实现由个体化向共同体化的转向。在转向过程中,道德教育的具体路径主要包括利用公共空间的德育价值、坚持公共道德规范意识与公共伦理美德的德育统一、建立健全制度德育机制。 Communalization,aiming at the unity of free people,refers to the voluntary and active connections between subjects in terms of lifestyle and values,guided by the normative value of the community and based on common emotions and mutual assistance behaviors.The communalization of moral education is targeted at cultivating public qualities with community spirit as the core,i.e.enabling people to play a conscious role in community life by moral education,not only by caring about others,but also having positive concerns about society and the country.Conceptually,the communalization of moral education is an important embodiment of relational thinking.From a practical level,it is the practical cultivation of responsibility ethics.Communalization conforms to the basic requirements of″people as human beings″,helps resolve the ethical risks of″stranger society″and bridges the gap between″community form″and″community consciousness″,so it is an inevitable trend of contemporary moral education.The individualization of moral education focuses on the demonstration of individuality and the confirmation of the free identity of moral subjects,giving birth to values of″living for oneself″.Although breaking through the dogmatic understanding of moral authority,individualized moral education does not remodel moral standards in a rational way or find a moral space for people to relocate themselves.The educational mechanism with competitive individualism at its core advocates exclusive individual success and marginalizes the cultivation of community spirit.In response to the dilemma of individualized development,the communalization of moral education advances the rectification of moral standards.It replaces″moral choice without standard″with″moral choice with standard″,which fundamentally breaks through the dilemma of value-nihilism contained in individualization and consolidates moral order.Meanwhile,the communalization of moral education takes value rationality as guidance,communication,understanding and interaction between subjects as the approach,and attaches importance to the positive construction of mutual moral relationships.In addition,it emphasizes the overall moral consideration,advocating the integrity rather than one-sided development of human beings.Relying on a collaborative education system of all staff education,whole process education and all-round education,it establishes a concept of general development in moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetic and labor education,and casts an integrated and systematic moral education mechanism in the growth of the educated,so it goes beyond the fragmentation dilemma contained in individualization.The communalization of moral education standardizes membership in public life and moral behavior in public space.Therefore,moral education must enrich the public life practice of the educated in every link and element via public space,and facilitate the development of community spirit.Secondly,the communalization of moral education introduces the research perspective of″value ordering″,follows the value cultivation sequence of moral individuals,adopts the step-by-step moral education method,and constructs the value system and education mode from the moral bottom line to the high moral standard.Specifically,it encourages the educated to seek greater exercise of public morality on the basis of adhering to the most basic moral bottom line and following moral obligations,and promoting the unity of public moral standard consciousness and public ethical virtue.Thirdly,the system shapes the behavioral patterns of the social community.Establishing a sound institutional moral education mechanism and promoting the rational construction of an institutionalized and organized moral order constructs an important approach for the development of a discrete and fragmented moral education system to the communalization.
作者 张彦 郗凤芹 Zhang Yan;Chi Fengqin(School of Marxism,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期5-13,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金2018年度重点项目(18AKS010)。
关键词 共同体化 道德教育 个体化 共同体精神 communalization moral education individualization community spirit
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