

Epidemiological Analysis of Pneumoconiosis Cases in Tongzhou
摘要 目的通过对通州区尘肺病例流行病学分析,为该地区尘肺的有效预防管理提供依据。方法选取通州区疾病预防控制中心2006年1月至2019年12月收治的302例尘肺病例资料予以分析,包括性别、年龄、企业规模、职业病名称、病例类型、工种、接触职业危害工龄、合并症、尘肺病种类等。结果302例患者中男性164例,女性138例;年龄32~97岁,平均年龄(66.84±5.35)岁;大型企业23例,中型企业99例,小微型企业158例,22例企业不详;职业病名称方面:电焊工尘肺7例,滑石尘肺4例,煤工尘肺12例,其他尘肺病20例,石棉肺192例,水泥尘肺与陶工尘肺各1例,矽肺34例,铸工尘肺31例;工种主要为石棉编织制品工,占57.94%(175/302),接害工龄7~40岁,平均接害工龄为(9.38±1.27)年,所有尘肺病患者均无肺结核、肺及支气管感染、自发性气胸、肺心病、肺癌等合并症;其中死亡病例51例,首次晋期病例25例,新病例226例。1期尘肺187例,2期尘肺73例,3期尘肺42例。结论通州区尘肺病例流行病学中男性多于女性,病害主要来源于小微企业,患者以老年人群为主,职业病以石棉肺为主,主要工种为石棉编织制品工,接害工龄时间较长,多为新病例,且以1期尘肺为主。需要重视对早期家纺石棉职工的尘肺职业病筛查,告知相关从业人员应定期接受健康体检,便于尽早发现尘肺病。 Objective To analyze the epidemiology of pneumoconiosis in Tongzhou District,it provides the basis for the effective prevention and management of pneumoconiosis in this area.Methods The data of 302 cases of pneumoconiosis admitted in Centers for Disease Control,Tongzhou District from January 2006 to December 2019 were analyzed,Including sex,age,enterprise size,occupational disease name,case type,type of work,exposure to occupational hazards length of service,complications,pneumoconiosis types and so on.Results A total of 164 men out of 302 patients,138 women,average age(66.84±5.35)years;23 large enterprises,99 medium-sized enterprises,small micro-sized 158 enterprises,22 enterprises unknown;occupational disease name:7 cases of welder pneumoconiosis,4 cases of talc pneumoconiosis,coal worker pneumoconiosis 12 cases,20 other pneumoconiosis cases,192 asbestos lungs,1 case of cement pneumoconiosis and 1 case of ceramic pneumoconiosis,silicosis in 34 cases,casting pneumoconiosis 31 cases;the main types of work are asbestos weavers,57.94%(175/302),average length of service(9.38±1.27)years,all pneumoconiosis patients have no tuberculosis,pulmonary and bronchial infection,spontaneous pneumothorax,cor pulmonale,lung cancer and other complications;of these,51 were killed,of the first 25 cases,new cases 226.Stage 1 pneumoconiosis 187 cases,stage 2 pneumoconiosis 73 cases,stage 3 pneumoconiosis 42 cases.Conclusion There are more men than women in the epidemiology of pneumoconiosis cases in Tongzhou District,the disease mainly comes from small and micro enterprises,the patients are mainly elderly people,the occupational diseases are asbestos lung,the main types of work are asbestos weaving workers,and the length of service is longer.It is necessary to pay attention to the screening of pneumoconiosis occupational diseases for early home textile asbestos workers,and to inform the relevant employees that they should receive regular physical examination to facilitate the early detection of pneumoconiosis.
作者 佟卉 TONG Hui(Centers for Disease Control,Tongzhou District,Beijing 101100,China)
出处 《大医生》 2020年第18期115-117,共3页 Doctor
关键词 通州区 尘肺病 流行病学 石棉肺 家纺石棉 新发病例 健康体检 Tongzhou pneumoconiosis epidemiology asbestos lung home textile asbestos new cases physical examination
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