
温热玉米T32/齐319F2∶3家系光周期敏感性分析 被引量:5

Photoperiodic Sensitivity Analysis of F 2∶3 Family Crossedby T 32 and Qi 319 from Tropical Regions
摘要 光周期敏感性限制了温、热地区间的玉米种质交流。研究玉米光周期变异的遗传特性,提高玉米品种对不同光周期变化的适应性,有利于玉米种质的改良、创新和利用。本研究以对光周期敏感的热带自交系T 32(母本)和钝感的温带自交系齐319(父本)为亲本,通过杂交、自交获得150份F 2∶3家系。在不同光照环境(贵州贵阳和甘肃张掖)条件下,对该群体的抽雄期、散粉期、吐丝期、株高、穗位高、叶片数等6个光敏相关性状进行田间表型评价。结果表明,不同性状间光周期敏感性程度表现为:穗位高>吐丝期>抽雄期>散粉期>株高>叶片数。6个性状在贵阳和张掖均表现出连续性的正态分布,符合数量遗传特征;两亲本间、不同家系间、不同光照时长条件下均呈现显著差异,株高与穗位高在贵阳和张掖都表现出显著的正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.644和0.769;随着光照长度的增加,家系间玉米的叶片数也存在显著差异,生育期与叶片数呈显著正相关关系,相关系数为0.459。F 2∶3家系间的不同性状对光周期反应的敏感程度不同,6个光敏相关性状均可作为鉴定光周期敏感性的指标,通过对群体内的光敏相关性状的选择和改良,在一定程度上为拓宽玉米种质遗传奠定基础。 The photoperiod sensitivity limited the exchange of maize germplasm between variable zone and tropical zone.To study the genetic characteristics of maize photoperiodic variation and improve the adaptability of maize varieties to different photoperiodic changes is conducive to the improvement,innovation and utilization of maize germplasm.In this study,150 F 2∶3 pedigrees obtained from hybridization and self-crossing with T 32(female),a tropical inbred line sensitive to photoperiod,and Qi 319(male),a blunt temperate inbred line,as parents.Among these populations,the 6 photosensitive traits including tasseling stage,pollinating period,silking stage,plant height,ear height and leaf number were evaluated in the field under different lighting conditions(in Guiyang of Guizhou and in Zhangye of Gansu).The results showed that photoperiod sensitivity of different traits was as follows:ear height>silking stage>tasseling stage>pollinating period>plant height>leaf number.The 6 traits showed continuously normal distribution in Guiyang and Zhangye,which was in line with the quantitative genetic characteristics.There were significant differences between the two parents and among different families under different light duration.Plant height and ear height showed significant positive correlation in Guiyang and Zhangye,with correlation coefficients of 0.644 and 0.769 respectively.With the increase of light period,there were significant differences in leaf number of maize between families.The growth period was positively correlated with leaf number with 0.459 correlation coefficient.The sensitivity of F 2∶3 pedigrees to photoperiod reaction varied,and all the 6 photosensitive traits could be used as identification index of photoperiod sensitivity.By selecting and improving the photoperiod-related traits in the populations,it lays the foundation for broadening the maize germplasm inheritance to some extent.
作者 刘颖 吴迅 郭向阳 何兵 王安贵 刘鹏飞 高媛 涂亮 祝云芳 陈泽辉 LIU Ying;WU Xun;GUO Xiangyang;HE Bing;WANG Angui;LIU Pengfei;GAO Yuan;TU Liang;ZHU Yunfang;CHEN Zehui(Agricultural College of Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China;Institute of Upland Food Crops,Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Guiyang 550006,China)
出处 《种子》 北大核心 2020年第12期7-12,共6页 Seed
基金 玉米籽粒脱水相关性状QTL Q41GN-SL的精细定位与候选基因分析([2020]1 Z 09)、玉米穗长主效QTL q 21 EL-GZ的精细定位和候选基因克隆(3206150523) 贵州省十层次人才项目([2018]5629) 云贵高原及武陵山区高海拔山地抗逆高产耐瘠薄玉米新品种的培育(2018 YFD 0100104) 贵州省特色旱地粮饲作物种质资源创新平台建设([2018]4003)。
关键词 玉米 光周期敏感性状 相关性分析 Maize(Zea Mays L.) photoperiod sensitivity correlation analysis
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