
2006—2018年山东省肥城市食管癌的死亡趋势及减寿分析 被引量:6

Trend of Mortality and Potential Years of Life Lost of Esophageal Cancer from 2006 to 2018 in Feicheng City,Shandong Province
摘要 [目的]分析2006-2018年山东省肥城市户籍居民食管癌死亡的变化趋势及对寿命的影响程度,为食管癌防控提供科学依据。[方法]计算2006-2018年肥城市食管癌的死亡率、去死因期望寿命、潜在减寿年数、潜在减寿率和年度变化百分比(APC)等指标,采用2010年全国第六次人口普查标准人口构成和Segi’s世界标准人口构成进行标化。[结果] 2006-2018年肥城市食管癌的粗死亡率为59.10/10万,且随年龄的增长而增加(χ趋势^2=123.16,P<0.01),死亡主要集中在40岁之后,男性增幅大于女性,中标死亡率为51.05/10万,世标死亡率为38.39/10万,35~64岁截缩死亡率为53.14/10万,0~74岁累积死亡率为4.50%;食管癌的中标死亡率、35~64岁截缩死亡率和0~74岁累积死亡率均呈下降趋势,APC分别为-7.41%(t=-7.39,P=0.00)、-10.68%(t=-7.36,P=0.00)和-7.96%(t=-8.00,P=0.00)。2006-2018年肥城市户籍居民的平均期望寿命76.84岁,去除食管癌的影响,期望寿命可提高0.89岁,整体期望寿命呈上升趋势(APC=0.70%,t=6.36,P=0.00),食管癌所致寿命损失率随年龄的增长逐渐升高,在70岁左右达到高峰后开始下降。2006-2018年肥城市食管癌的PYLL、PYLLR和APYLL分别为57 072.50人年、5.43‰和12.32年,并且整体均呈下降趋势,APC分别为-2.37%(t=-4.19,P=0.00)、-5.54%(t=-11.29,P=0.00)和-1.88%(t=-11.04,P=0.00)。[结论]肥城市食管癌死亡仍处于较高水平,应继续加强对高危人群的筛查工作,逐步降低食管癌的死亡率,提高生存率及人群期望寿命。 [Purpose] To analyze the trend of mortality and potential years of life lost(PYLL) of esophageal cancer from 2006 to 2018 in Feicheng City,Shandong Province. [Methods] The mortality,cause eliminated life expectancy,PYLL,PYLLR,annual change percentage(ACP) and other indicators of esophageal cancer were analyzed. The age-standardized rates(ASRs) were calculated by using the sixth national census(2010) and Segi’s world standard population composition.[Results] The average crude mortality rate of esophageal cancer from 2006 to 2018 in Feicheng was 59.10/10^5,and it increased with age(χtrend^2=123.16,P<0.01). The deaths were mainly concentrated after 40 years old,and increased in males more than those in females. The average ASR China was 51.05/10^5,the ASR world was 38.39/105,the truncated mortality rate(35~64 years) was53.14/10^5,and the cumulative mortality rate(0~74 years) was 4.50%. The ASR China,the truncated mortality rate(35~64) and the cumulative mortality rate(0~74) showed a downward trend from 2006 to 2018,with APCs of-7.41%(t=-7.39,P=0.00),-10.68%(t=-7.36,P=0.00) and-7.96%(t=-8.00,P=0.00).During 2006 to 2018,the average life expectancy of residents in Feicheng City was 76.84 years.After removing the impact of esophageal cancer,life expectancy could be increased by 0.89 years,and the overall life expectancy showed an upward trend(APC=0.70%,t=6.36,P=0.00). The life loss rate caused by esophageal cancer gradually increased with age,reaching a peak around 70 years old. The average PYLL,SPYLL and APYLL of esophageal cancer during 2006 to 2018 in Feicheng were 57 072.50 person-years,5.43‰ and 12.32 years,respectively;and showed a downward trend with APCs of -2.37%(t=-4.19,P=0.00),-5.54%(t=-11.29,P=0.00) and -1.88%(t=-11.04,P=0.00).[Conclusion] There is a downward trend of esophageal cancer mortality rate in Feicheng City from 2006 to 2018,however,it is still relatively high,and the prevention and control of esophageal cancer still need to be strengthened in Feicheng city.
作者 杨佳 张楠 高冬青 杜振华 李琰琰 赵德利 郑衍玲 王家林 YANG Jia;ZHANG Nan;GAO Dong-qing;DU Zhen-hua;LI Yan-yan;ZHAO De-li;ZHENG Yan-ling;WANG Jia-lin(Shandong First Medical University and Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences,Jinan 250118,China;Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute,Shandong First Medical University and Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences,,Jinan 250117,China;Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Feicheng,Feicheng 271600,China;Cancer Center,People’s Hospital of Feicheng,Feicheng 271600,China;Shandong Medical College,Jinan 250002,China)
出处 《中国肿瘤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期939-945,共7页 China Cancer
基金 国家自然科学基金(71904109) 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2019PG006) 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC1302800、2016YFC0901400)。
关键词 食管癌 去死因期望寿命 潜在减寿年数 山东 esophageal cancer cause eliminated life expectancy potential years of life lost Shandong
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