

Experimental Study on Failure Mode of Low-rise Assembled Wall in Small Shear-span Ratio
摘要 为了研究小剪跨比低层坐浆连接装配墙体在地震作用下承载力性能、破坏模式及抗震性能,设计制作了3组剪跨比不同的全尺寸试件,并进行了低周反复荷载试验。通过分析3组试件的破坏过程、滞回曲线、钢筋应变、特征荷载等因素,确定3组试件的破坏模式,对比研究3组试件耗能、延性等性能,得出不同剪跨比试件的抗震性能差异。试验结果表明:随着剪跨比减小,3组小剪跨比试件破坏模式由弯曲破坏变为剪切破坏,刚度增大,延性变差,耗能能力降低。研究结果揭示了小剪跨比低层装配墙体的破坏模式及抗震性能,为此类墙体通过坐浆连接应用在低层建筑中提供了依据。 To study the bearing capacity,the failure mode,and seismic performance of low-rise masonry wall in small shear-span ratio,three groups of full-scale specimens in different shear-span ratios were designed and manufactured,to which a low-cycle repeated load test was carried out.By analyzing the failure process,the hysteresis curve,reinforcement strain,characteristic load,etc.,the failure modes of the three groups of specimens were determined.By comparing the energy consumption and ductility of the specimens,the differences in seismic performance of specimens in different shear-span ratios were revealed.Results show that with the decrease of shear-span ratio,the failure mode changed from bending failure to shear failure with the increases in stiffness,ductility,and energy consumption capacity.The research results clarified the failure mode and seismic performance of low-rise assembled wall in small shear-span ratio,which provides a basis for the application of such a wall in low-rise buildings by slurry sitting connection.
作者 孟文清 高小婷 王二成 田旺 陈展 MENG Wen-qing;GAO Xiao-ting;WANG Er-cheng;TIAN Wang;CHEN Zhan(School of Civil Engineering,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan 056000,China)
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2020年第35期14556-14561,共6页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFF0300201)。
关键词 小剪跨比 装配墙体 坐浆连接 破坏模式 抗震性能 small shear-span ratio assembled wall slurry connection failure mode seismic performance
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