
劳动教育与创新:从工具视角开敞的意蕴 被引量:31

Labor Education and Innovation: Significance from the Perspective of Tools and Equipment
摘要 劳动是人类动手和动脑紧密结合的活动。劳动创造了世界,劳动创造了人本身。劳动基本作用之一是保持和促进手的发展进而促进脑的发展。劳动与工具的制造和使用几乎同时发生,工具是劳动的重要因素。海德格尔展开了劳动/操劳、工具、世界之间关系的丰富内涵:个体的人唯经由打交道和上手才能领会工具,劳动中知晓何所用、何所来、不合用。不合用是修理、改造和创新工具的动机源头,也是工具维持性创新的动机源头。人唯有经由劳动才能理解指引网络,理解真实世界。劳动教育的目的因而与认识工具、认识世界联系紧密。劳动教育本质是一种劳动,是发挥出教育功能的劳动,因而具有六方面特点。在学校场域外的劳动教育在缘起、目的方面具有多样性。由于劳动本身就有去遮蔽而使真理敞开的功能,因而认识性劳动、探索性/创造性劳动与创新人才培养紧密相关,是劳动教育格外重要的方面。上手可以把个体迅速带往前沿,“上手”概念呈现出循序渐进作为教学原则的局限。世界随着工具的使用和上手状态亮相,工具是先进的,亮相的就是先进的世界,因而劳动教育课程中特别需要安排学生上手不同的、丰富的、先进的工具。新时代劳动教育何以为新,突出体现在劳动教育中可见的先进工具上。 Labor is a combination of human hands and brains.We believe that labor created the world and men himself.One of its ontological roles is to maintain and promote the development of the hand and the brain.The manufacture and use of tools and equipment occur almost simultaneously with labor,and equipment is an important factor in labor.Martin Heidegger launched the significance of labor/concernful dealing,equipment,the world and the relationship between each other.Individuals can understand equipment only by concernful dealing with it and put it to use in the readiness-to-hand(Zuhandenkeit).During labor then we can know the equipment from-which,towardswhich and unusablility.Unusability is the motivation for repairing,transforming and innovating equipment,and for sustained innovation.Only through labor can people understand the referential totalities and the real world.The purpose of labor education is therefore very closely linked to the grasping of the equipment and the world.Labor education is a kind of labor that exerts educational functions essentially.It has six characteristics.Labor education outside the school field is diverse in its origin and purpose.The purpose of labor education in the school field can be biased towards moral education,but as labor itself has the function of uncovering and making truth open,so cognitive labor,exploratory/creative labor are also important aspects of labor education and closely related to the cultivation of innovative talents.Readiness-to-hand can quickly bring individuals to the forefront,and the concept of readiness-tohand presents the limitation of step-by-step instruction as a principle of teaching.The world lights up only in certain definite ways with the readiness-to-hand,and indeed it has been lit up only with the readiness-to-hand of that concern.The equipment as the readiness-to-hand is modern and the modern world will be lit up.Therefore,in the labor education curriculum,it is necessary to allow students to use different,rich and advanced tools and equipment.The reason why labor education is new in the new era will be highlighted in the advanced tools and equipment of labor education.
作者 卢晓东 Lu Xiaodong(Graduate School of Education/Institute of Economics of Education,Peking University,100871)
出处 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期94-106,共13页 Journal of East China Normal University:Educational Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“经济新常态下的教育财政研究”(16JJD880002)。
关键词 劳动 教劳结合 劳动教育课程 创新人才 教学原则 labor combination of education and labor labor education curriculum innovative talent teaching principles
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