

Research of the Influence on the Ion Flow Field of Transmission Lines of HVDC by Atmospheric Environment
摘要 文章研究了不同天气影响下的高压直流输电线产生的离子流密度和合成场强计算方法。建立了考虑天气条件的高压直流输电线路离子流场计算模型,计算了不同温湿度下输电线路地面离子流密度和合成场强,分析了离子流场的分布规律。结果表明:大气环境温湿度的变化会影响导线起晕电场强度和空间离子迁移率的变化;温度的增加提高了电晕放电强度和离子迁移率,使得地面离子流密度和合成场强增大;由于水分子的吸附特性,随着空气相对湿度的增大,在一定范围内会降低电晕的放电强度,导致入地离子流密度和合成场强降低;当湿度增加到一定程度后,空气中开始凝结出水滴并附着在线路表面,引起空间电场畸变,起晕场强开始减小,逐渐使入地离子流密度和合成场强增加。 The calculation method on the effect of different weathers were studied on the ion current density and ground total electric field strength of transmission lines of HVDC.The calculation model of the ion current field was established on HVDC transmission lines by different weather conditions,and the ground ion current density and total electric field strength were calculated under different temperatures and humidity.The results show that the change of the corona initiation electric field strength and spatial ion mobility were affected by different atmospheric temperatures and humidity.When the temperature rising,the corona discharge intensity and ion mobility will be enhanced,and the ground total field strength and ion current density will be increased.Due to the adsorption characteristics of water molecules,when the relative humidity rising,the discharge intensity of the corona will be reduced at a certain range,and results the reduction of the ground total field strength and ion current density.After to some degree,condensation will appear on the surface of the wire,which will distort the space electric field,gradually increase the ion current density and ground total electric field strength.
出处 《科学技术创新》 2021年第2期9-12,共4页 Scientific and Technological Innovation
基金 国网西藏电力有限公司科技项目(SGXZDK00PJJS2000082)。
关键词 电磁环境 离子流场 合成场强 离子流密度 Electromagnetic environment Ion current field Total electric field Ion current density
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